''I say two minutes,'' Portia said.

''I'm going for one.'' Georgia followed.

Without looking up, David began quietly counting. ''Ten, nine, eight...''

Alex folded his arms over his chest. ''Guys, do you all have such little faith in me?''

''Four, three...'' David continued.

''Babe, stop that! I'm not just going to drop like a,-''

The moment David reached zero, Alex startled everyone, including himself, with a loud hiccup.

''And so it begins,'' David mumbled.

Alex patted his chest and shook his head. The girls in the group weren't sure whether to continue giggling or be ready to catch him, perhaps both?

Not wanting to lose his moment in the spotlight, Alex recovered his composure. ''That was one hiccup, it doesn't mean anything.'' He spoke like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. Carefully, he turned away from the bar and started walking out towards the beach. Each step was slow and steady. ''I'm going to get some fresh air.''

Rolling his eyes, David shadowed his boyfriend. ''You're not going alone.''

''I'll help carry the corpse,'' Portia smirked and trailed behind them.

''No one is going to be carrying any corpses!'' Alex replied irritated, though there was now a slur at the end of his bark.

Georgia laughed at their antics and watched them disappear into the revelry crowd. There was never a dull moment to be had with her friends.

''Hey,'' Alyssa said, getting Georgia's attention. ''The boss knows you're my friends, but the bill is still expected to be paid.''

''I got it.'' She grabbed her credit card, paying for what was supposed to be her drink. But she couldn't be annoyed for long considering the fun she was having with her friends, even if the prices for the drinks themselves were ridiculous. ''I feel bad that you have to work while we get to enjoy ourselves. I hope it hasn't been too stressful tonight.''

Alyssa shrugged. ''It's not as bad as I dreaded. And, to be honest, I'm not a party person anyway, so I'm not missing out on much.''

After taking the payment with the machine, she handed Georgia's card back. As she nestled it safely in her pocket, she turned round to spot her friends, but they were lost in the mass of dancing bodies. Any attempt to find the needles in the haystack wasn't helped whenever Georgia's search was stalled before her eyes would linger on a few certain individuals.

Noticing the way she was looking, and the occasional bit of red that flushed over her cheeks, Alyssa didn't need to be a detective to know what was on Georgia's mind. ''There are a few cute girls here...''

Georgia twisted instantly to lock eyes with her friend. ''Oh no, we're changing the subject.''

''Nothing has to happen tonight. Getting a phone number would suffice.''

''See, here's the problem, that would require me having the courage to talk to a girl without blushing like a tomato.''

''You talk to Portia and me.''

''Yes, but only after many years of training to overcome that initial internal anxiety.''

Sensing that she wasn't going to be victorious in this debate, Alyssa returned to her duties. ''Well, you never know what, or who, you might find tonight.'' She stated while grabbing a few half-empty glasses nearby and placing them under the tap to wash.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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