Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"I...may have kind of...accidentally... walked in on the two of you." I tried to explain.

He still gave me a confused look.

"In...the gym.." I continued.

I saw the sudden realization hit his face. He leaned back and let his head hit the seat. "Oh." Was all he could manage to say.

"I'm not going to tell anyone," I tried to explain.

"No, it's okay, I know you won't," he said. "It's just-" he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "We need to be more careful."

We stayed in silence, without Turner starting the vehicle. I could see he looked stressed out.

"I think it's a stupid rule," I said after a moment. I saw Turner's eyes lock with mine in the mirror. "The whole not allowed to date your co-worker thing." I continued. "I think you two should be together"

"It's really wrong what we're doing," he replied. It reminded me of what Eric had said to me the night we kissed.

"I think you guys should just keep quiet about it, not tell anyone or get caught...again."

Turner turned around to face me. "I really appreciate you keeping this quiet."

I smiled, "Even if you two weren't my friends, I wouldn't rat you out like that, that would be horrible. I can't imagine anyone that ever would do something like that."

"Oh, You'd be surprised," Turner spoke grimly. "Some of the people around here would jump at the opportunity to be in Captain's good books."

"What about Eric?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"He's already in the Captian's good books, they're practically family."

"No, but do you think that he would know... tell anyone? I mean, if he knew." I asked

"I don't know," Turner sighed. "But God I would love to see his face if he ever found out."

I looked at him confused "Why?"

"Because as a spy, you keep tabs on everyone, everywhere and he had no idea this was going on all this time right behind his back." He grinned.

I laughed "How long exactly has this been going on?"

"About a year," he responded.

I widened my eyes. Woah.

"I think we always liked each other before that, we just started acting on it recently," he continued.

"Even though you know you could risk both your jobs?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know know if Captain would get rid of us for something like that. We are two of the best agents, maybe he would make an exception," he explained.

I nodded in agreement. It seemed completely idiotic to fire such good workers for such a small issue.

"And besides, it would be worth it."

"What?" I asked.

"Losing my job for her," Turner smiled. He started the engine with his keys and I felt us back up out of the small parking lot.

I couldn't believe he had said that. Being an agent seemed so important to him. I saw all the effort and hard work he put into his missions and to give it all up to be with Cassie? I was the most romantic thing I could ever imagine. It somehow made me think about Eric again. I could never see him doing the same. Especially for someone like me. Someone he hadn't known for long. And someone who was going to be out of his life very soon.

Some time later, I found myself in front of the school building with the limo driving off behind me. Whenever that limo drove off, it was like it was telling me that there was no turning back now. I had to go in and face another day.

It was like I had moved schools and was now getting used to this one. All the faces around me were starting to become familiar, I knew how to find all my classes without anyone's help, I knew where to find my 'friends' in the cafeteria. It was horrifying. The last thing I wanted to do was grow accustomed to this place.

I pushed open the school doors and was faced with the one person I did not want to see. Brad. I automatically turned around in an attempt to walk out the doors, but it was too late.

"Amanda wait." he said.

I could feel the anger boiling up inside me as I turned around to face him again. "What?" What more could he possibly want to say to me? I felt disgusted being near him.

"I wanted to apologize for what happened on Saturday night." he began.

"Yeah, great. I forgive you, bye." I answered sarcastically as I still continued trying to walk away from him.

"I didn't mean for that all to happen, I just wanted was the drug-" he tried to explain as he chased after me.

"You willingly took it and I'm pretty sure you had every intention to prior, so let's not blame everything on some stupid drug." I cut him off. He was pathetic.

"Who was the guy, that-"

"Saved me?" I cut him off again. I wanted to yell at him all about Eric and how he was a special undercover agent that could kill him if he wanted to, but I knew I couldn't. "Just some stranger," I answered softer. "No one's going to report you to the police or anything if that's what you're so worried about."

I looked at his face and knew that was exactly what he was worried about. He didn't even really care about what damage he had put me through. I looked at him disgusted and turned to walk away but then turned back one last time.

"One last thing, Brad." I began as I watched him look up at me. I felt tears well up in my eyes. "If you come near me again, I will kill you."

I turned and walked away, this time without him following me. I blinked back the tears that still wouldn't flow. Being near him made the events of that night came back into my mind and I remembered how scared I had been.

I hated myself for ever going on that stupid 'date'. I hated myself for ending up in that situation. But most of all, I hated him. I'd put my trust in him and given him the benefit of the doubt, only to have him turn out to be a horrible person. With the knowledge that he was taking drugs and attending places where they were dealt, he was now one of the top suspects in this case. 


A/N: Guys you are all amazing. You got me to 100 followers and you got this book to 1500 votes. It was only 500 last chapter.

Thank you so so so much, I can't even begin to explain to you all how much this means to me. And a huge special thanks to all of you that leave a comment after the chapters letting me know what you thought and discussing the plot. I love it when you guys discuss what's happening! It's like: ahh people are actually reading this. It's mindblowing.

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