Our Demise

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All great things must come to an end,

It's a destiny that none can transcend.

All of Earth's rulers eventually fall,

Dying with a final, farewell call.

From the terrible lizards with planet-wide domination,

To the Roman Empire or the Bengal nation.

They have all perished, they are all gone,

Bones under the ground that we stand upon.

But I'm beginning to question, to wonder, in fact,

If we won't end with another meteor impact.

For on the edge, humanity rests with distinction,

Balancing on the brink of its own extinction.

And now I begin to think our end is a clock.

Always coming closer, tick-tock, tick-tock.

We're creating our doom like something systemic,

We won't end of tsunami, quake, or pandemic.

The world's collapse is in our control,

But we won't resist, so we'll all take the toll.

And the clock counts down, hour by hour,

But everyone still chases money and power.

So because of our greed, we'll be in for a surprise.

When we realise we're the cause of our own demise.

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