Chapter 1

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Eric Fletcher leaned back against a large beech tree and gazed at the endless sea of stars shimmering above. The Ranger usually found solace in those stars, but tonight he was feeling as though the Gods themselves were looking down at him in disappointment.

The campfire drew his attention as it began to crackle and pop excitedly. Eric gazed thoughtfully into its hypnotic flames as they danced inside the protective stone circle, reminding him of a night long ago. A smile brightened the weary Ranger's face momentarily as a beautiful young elf maiden danced for him, her eyes sparkling like green gems and her long silky hair swaying gracefully with each delicate step. She smiled lovingly as she blew him a kiss before fading away into memory. Eric lowered his head and wiped away the tear that was threatening to fall.

A faint blue glow began to emanate from a small gemstone that had been secured to the underside of his left bracer. Eric quickly wiped the remaining moisture from his eyes as he began searching the darkness. He drew his sword instinctively and stepped back out of the light knowing that he was no longer alone. He cursed his human eyes, wishing that he were capable of seeing into the darkness beyond the reach of the flickering light provided by his small camp fire. He was expecting a guest, but one could never be too cautious.

A deep menacing growl rumbled out of the darkness as an enormous black wolf padded slowly into the Ranger's camp. The oversized wolf observed the Ranger with cold eyes as he sniffed the air to make sure that the Ranger was alone.

Eric stood his ground but slowly set his sword down before the large animal. "Thank you for coming, my old friend."

The wolf's lips curled up to reveal his huge dagger like teeth, causing Eric to take a nervous step backward.

"I know you are still in there Andrew. I need to speak with you. Please."

The wolf growled again then stood up on his hind legs as a dark magic within him forced muscles, tendons and bone to shift and resize themselves until he stood before the Ranger in the form of the Legendary Assassin known as the Ghost Wolf. He rolled his large canine head from side to side and stretched out his muscular arms as black leather armor and an assortment of weapons magically appeared. The Assassin stood over eight feet tall with a broad chest and muscular arms, but the rest of his features more closely resembled the wolf. He flicked his long bushy tail and looked down "What do you want Ranger?"

The hair on Eric's neck stood on end as he recognized the truth that stood before him. The Assassin was no longer the friend he had known for so long, but was well on his way to becoming the monster that he had always believed he was. Eric swallowed to wet his fast drying throat. "A Shadow Mage has been spotted in Aldania. I am going there to investigate and hoped you could accompany me, like old times."

The Assassin tipped his head curiously "Aldania?"

"Yes. A young soldier from Aldania sought me out. He claimed that Lord Alden has been meeting secretly with the Shadow Mage and building an army. He claims the Noble has planned a trip to the North Western borders of his province, near Dragon's Peak. My gut tells me that Mirren are involved."

The Assassin growled angrily at the mention of the evil shape shifters and turned to leave "I am hunting, and have risked losing my prey to answer your call." he growled. He turned to leave but hesitated for a moment then looked back "If there is a Shadow Mage, do not engage him alone."

Eric watched as his friend leapt forward onto all fours and sprinted off into the night as the Dire Wolf once again. He breathed a heavy sigh as he sat down and reflected on the days when he and Verndari had given Andrew the nickname of "Wolf". How could they have known that it would become so much more than just a name?

Mask of the Assassin - Book 1 - Redeeming the WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz