Thoughts and Promises

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Jimin's pov.

Jungkook. A name I knew and loved. The name brought the ghost of his lips against mine. I felt his strong hands on my waist. The name made heat rise to my cheeks. He was a rose with plenty of thorns. I'd do anything for him.

He came and went. Usually at night his ashes would stir in the dark shadows of my room. I didn't count the stars anymore. I counted the minutes down till I would see him again. His presence felt like a sweet fantasy despite him being a nightmare. I thought about this a lot. He could kiss me for hours, tilt my head every which way, tease me till I couldn't blush no more.. but there was something.

"Jiminie..." He would pull me into his lap resting his chin on my shoulder. "I can't love you Jimin... you know that, right?"

Jungkook would frown at himself. He tried so hard but his dark soul couldn't manage it. I memorized that look. That look of disapointment. In those black pools ,I seemed to always drown in, held the vulnerable Jungkook I witnessed when he kissed me and whispered about his past.

I promised I would make him feel love.. I promise Jungkook. I can no longer spend these summer nights alone with one beating heart...

Jungkook pov.

It was a habit to visit Jiminie. To see his smiling face and hold him close till he fell asleep. I'd kiss the top of his head and leave without a goodbye. There was no need for a goodbye.. I'd see him soon anyways.

Although I couldn't love.. I still felt pulled towards the angel. I was possesive over my angel. I needed to protect him. He was so sweet and fragile. He whispered those silly promises about making me love, feel admiration.. I wasn't meant to feel such pretty things. Only evil.

No one's pov.

It was another summer night. Humid with a slight breeze. "You know, your blanket is pretty soft." Jungkook teases planting a kiss on Jimin's forhead.

Jimin huffs, "that stinkin blanket was my favorite thing in the whole world!"

"Well that's why I took it.. now I'm your most favorite thing. Had to get rid of the competition." Jungkook shoots back with that signature smirk.

Jimin shakes his head falling back onto the bed. Jungkook follows suit and turns his head so he's facing Jimin. He trails cool hands up Jimin's chest, kisses him, and whispers sweet nothings. Of course these sweet nothings had no driving force behind them except for the usual possesiveness and lust.

Jimin didn't care. He felt this was fate. Unplanned perfectness. Jungkook was his sin and his salvation.

This serendipity.. It brought the two together.. but roses always wilt no matter how much care you give them... and fate is a teasing mistress.

Lu again. Hello people.. or person.. or no one! Remember to take care and love yourself. Also all the songs in the media are what i listened to when writing that specific chapter. it sorta sets the mood. Anyways have a good day, afternoon, night or whatever!

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