Midnight Whispers and Silent Understanding

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No one's pov.

The two concluding the night's game as they walked together down a small path. The two were quiet, both having it as a major trait playing part in each being's personality. The angel was reserved, shy, speaking in soothing whispers and hushed tones.

The demon was silent but his very existence seemed to demand respect. His quiet and serious tones made hairs stand on edge. Despite his calm manner, Jungkook would not hesitate in raising his voice to scold or tease those who angered him.

The two had a silent understanding as they walked. Hands brushed up against each other causing the lavendar boy to blush and amusing his cinnamon counterpart.

"You should stay at mine tonight.. please?" Jimin asked shyly as they neared the old house.
Jungkook thought about the invite before replying "That sounds fine. You sure you want to have a big bad demon stay in your precious house?".

Heat rises to Jimin's face "Y-yeah! Of.. of course". He shoots the taller boy a playful glare as they walk up the splintery porch and through the door.

The night continues on and their fresh bond begins to bloom. It's a small rose.. white and pure.

A once silent house is filled with fits of laughter and pitter patters of feet. Jimin falls onto his bed, looking out the window. Jungkook lies beside him, an arm draped over the smaller boy's waist. "You know.. I always try to count the stars.." Jimin sighs smiling softly. "I've lost my place more times then I'd like to admit.." His sweet voice fizzles out into the humid summer air.

"Well I already know how many stars there are". Jungkook smirks as Jimin turns and faces him.

"Oh yeah? How many?"


"You can't possibly think there's one star in the sky!" Jimin looks into Jungkooks solid black eyes not feeling intimidated one bit. He giggles.

"I know what I'm saying.. there is only one star. I'm looking right at it." Jungkook watches as realization crosses Jimin's eyes and he smiles, amused.

"That was.. oh goodness.." Jimin buries his face into Jungkook's chest to hide his growing blush.

"It was what? My, my.. is little Jiminie blushing?" Jungkook coos tilting Jimin's face up to his.

Jimin's gold eyes meet Jungkook's black orbs and for a moment the stars seem dim. Dim compared to the brightness of a new love.

Jungkook tilts Jimin's head to the side leaning in. An electric shock goes through him as his lips brush against Jimin's soft ones. A warmth spreads through his body and he feels alive.
He leans in more savoring the taste of Jimin's lemony lips. Mixed with the sweet lavendar scent.. Jungkook felt new.

Cinnamon fills Jimin's senses as he relaxes into the kiss. He falls into the deep trap feeling shocks of cold air. He feels like he's falling. His world seemed to become fuller. Wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck, he pulls himself closer, pulling this bond together.

Serendipity and His Sin (Jikook)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin