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Yerin was now out of the hospital and SinB was getting ready for her date with Eunsoo.

"SinB what are you so dressed up for?" Umji asked.

"I'm going on a date"

"With who?!" Sowon clapped.

"Yerin?" Eunha asked.

"Hell no! I'm never going out with her" SinB grimaced.

"Then who?" Yuju asked.

"I'm going out with Eunsoo so if you guys would excuse me, I have a date to get to" SinB pushed Sowon out of her way.

"Eager are we now?" Eunha teased.

"Whatever. I have to go now if I want to get there early"

"Are you walking?"

"No. I'm calling a cab" the 4 girls followed SinB outside.

"Are you guys just gonna follow me or what?" SinB glared.

"Alright we'll leave" Sowon led the group away. SinB arrived at the restaurant shortly after.

"Table for 2" Eunsoo had just got there when SinB arrived.

"Hey you're here. I thought you might ditch me and run away to Yerin" Eunsoo laughed.

"Real funny. I wouldn't waste my time with her when I can be with you"

"Correct answer" the two followed the employee to their table.

After ordering they talked more about work and their childhood.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back" Eunsoo was gone before SinB could even say one word. While Eunsoo was in the bathroom SinB got a text from Yerin.

YR: Hey...
SB: you want something? If not then leave me the fuck alone 😑🙄
YR: I need to talk to you
SB: don't give me that same old bullshit 💩
YR: I'm serious B
SB: don't call me B! I'm honestly so sick of you and your lies. Leave me alone! 😡
YR: Please. You're hurting me again...

Before SinB had the time to reply Eunsoo came back.

"You okay SinB? Your face is really look mad...more than mad"

"I...I need to go. I'm sorry" SinB gave Eunsoo money for her half of the bill before she took off crying.

"Open the door!" SinB repeatedly slammed her hands against Yerins door.

"SinB..." Yerin opened the door. She looked like she had been crying but SinB looked worst, she felt worst.

"Slut!" SinB slapped her.


"Stop fucking playing the victim! I'm the victim! I'm the one being hurt! You're the one that is hurting others! You are at fault! How dare you say I'm hurting you when you're literally killing me! How fucking dare you!!!" SinB slapped her again.

"Please just let me explain. SinB please!" Yerin grabbed SinBs hands but SinB quickly pulled away and gave Yerin a look of disgust from the psychical contact.

"Don't touch me!"

"I don't like him! I only want you"

"That's not what your actions tell me. I'm done Yerin"

"It's because that stupid fucking contract!" SinBs eyes widened when she heard Yerin curse.

"Stop telling me lies! I don't want to hear them...I don't want to hear your voice!"

"Please B, let me explain"

"You have 30 seconds"

"They only made the contract because they thought I was gonna be lonely for the rest of my life because of my condition. If I break the contract I owe 10,000's not my fault. I truly do love you SinB. I'm not lying"

"Prove it to me"


"Prove to me that you love me. I won't accept otherwise. How do I know you're not lying. You might not be telling the truth. You might just break my heart again. I can't even count how many times you've hurt me. I can't trust you...anymore. We could've been a cute couple but you ruined it all. I was actually just on a date with Eunsoo. I don't want you anymore. You were a waste of my time, a waste of my love. We're over Yerin...for good. You should've told me about the contract a long time ago so that then I would have understood. This is for the best. Me and you just aren't gonna work matter how much I want it to and no matter how much I try it just isn't enough. Am I not enough? Perhaps"

"No SinB you're more than enough. Please don't do this to us. We can still be together. I promise to give you my everything from this day forward"

"You had your they're gone. I was gonna...I was gonna ask if you....if you wanted to go to one of my favorite groups concert with me...I guess I'll have to find someone else" SinB wiped the single tear that was rolling down her cheek.

"I'm sorry. Just one more chance? One more day? Please? I'm beginning you SinB!" Yerin got down on her knees.

"Please stop..." SinB looked away, now multiple tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't want to see Yerin in pain.

"Look at me...please! SinB please!"

"I...I have to go" before SinB could turn around Yerin wrapped her arms around SinBs legs so she couldn't leave.

"P-please...I don't want him. What about all the moments we've made at the hill? Did they mean nothing? Did we mean nothing? Please Eunbi. Don't go. It hurts so much to see you leave. I don't want to suffer anymore. We can run away together. Just you and me. Please! I can't bare to see you leave. I know I've hurt you a lot and it hurts me too. But please..."

"I can't keep getting my feelings hurt because of you. It's too much. We should stop this pain before it gets worst. You're better off without me and I am better off without you. Let's face it, we were never gonna be a thing. I found someone else anyways..."

"No SinB! You're only seeing her to ease the pain! I can stop the pain...please. Just be with me and it'll all get better"

"False! I'm not oblivious to what you're doing! I'm just some toy to you and I'm done! Eunsoo actually treats me right! From this day forward...I don't want to see you anymore, Yerin" SinB pushed Yerin away from her and left.

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