Friend or Foe?

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It was Monday morning. SinB was about to enter the school building when she remembered what happened between her and Sowon on Saturday.

'Maybe I can avoid her? I don't have classes with her anyways. And it's usually to crowded in the hallways to see anyone' SinB was already planning everything out.

"SinB" then she heard a familiar voice, Sowons voice.

"I can't talk ri-" Sowon grabbed SinBs wrist before she could walk away.

"I need to say something"

"What is it? Make it quick"

"I'm sorry about yesterday...I don't think we're working out very well. I wanna...I want to break up" Sowon said. SinB didn't know rather to feel happy or sad...or angry.

"Why? For Eunha!? It's her isn't it!" SinB pulled her arm away from Sowon.

"I...theres not much I can say"

"You chewed me up and spit me out! From the very beginning!" Students began crowding around them.

"SinB you know that's not-"

"No! Stop just stop! You don't give a damn about other people! It's always about you!"

"Don't be mad at me just because I want to brake up! Our relationship-"

"Oh don't tell me about our god damn fucking relationship! It was all fake! Do you hear that! Our relationship was fake!" SinB yelled so the other students could hear her. They all gasped.


"I was forced into this relationship! I never wanted to be with you! I never liked you from the start!"

"I know. Please just-"

"Are you gonna go cry to Eunha now?! That stupid fake ass bitch!"

"Don't call her that! Unlike you, she's smart, funny, cute, and loving!"

"Oh so I was right! You're dating her! You fucking bitch!" SinB ran at Sowon and jumped on her. They were attacking each other. Sowon didn't hold back and neither did SinB. They went all out.

Students took out their phones and took videos. None of them helped. They were both rolling across the floor while pulling each other's hair. It's sad that nowadays students just watch the fight and take videos instead of helping and trying to break up the fight.

Pulling each other's hair soon led to punches and kicks. It's a wonder how they don't have a bald spot in their hair. Screaming could be heard all throughout the school, yes it was that loud.

Teachers came rushing forward to break them up but failed in doing so. SinB was on top of Sowon repeatedly smashing her face into the hard floor. Was it really necessary? Was it really that big of a deal that SinB had to hurt Sowon that much?

Some of the students couldn't believe that Sowons skull hasn't cracked yet. Sowon tried kicking SinB off her but she was helpless. Eunha came bursting throuh the crowd and pushed SinB off Sowon, her girlfriend.

SinB couldn't help but be even angrier when seeing Eunhas face. Luckily teachers were able to hold SinB back before she could grab Eunha and also beat the hell out of her. Was Eunha now a foe instead of a friend?

Eunha handed tissues to Sowon to stop the blood from coming out of her nose. SinB found Umji and Yuju in the crowd, they both had faces of disappointment, disgust, and shame. SinB was dragged to the office and Sowon was helped to the nurses office.

Eunha refused to go to her classes, she stayed by her girlfriends side. SinB though, her parents came and got her. She was suspended for the rest of the week.

SinB yelled at the principal and went on and on about how it's unfair and how it's Sowons fault. She also kept yelling about how Sowon hit her to. But of course since SinB was the first to attack she was the one that got in trouble. The principal said that Sowon was just defending herself. SinB thinks the principal is just defending Sowon.

When SinB got in the car she was prepared to cover her ears because she knew her parents were gonna yell, but they didn't.
'Huh?...that's weird' SinB thought to herself as she lowered her hands to her sides.

On the way home no one spoke. Not a peep came from any of their mouths. They must be good at playing the silent game.

When they got home Mrs. Hwang just told SinB to go to her room.

'Am I not even getting grounded?' SinB wondered. SinBs phone lit up so she checked what it was. It was a text message from Yuju.

YJ: What the hell was that?!

SB: don't know what you're talking about...

YJ: oh you know damn well what I'm talking about! Why the hell would you hurt Sowon like that? Aren't you guys dating?

SB: no! That fucking bitch left me for Eunha!

YJ: you know that still doesn't give you the right to hurt someone like that. Sowon is seriously damaged.

SB: who's side are you on?

YJ: oh so there's sides now? I'm on no ones side.

SB: Whatever Yuju. Goodbye

SinB placed her phone on the nightstand next to her bed. Her anger was taking over, she climbed out of her window.

Soon she was at her comforting place, her home, well it felt like home to her. Again she fell asleep, this time she fell asleep for a long time. When she awoke it was pitch black except for a dim light that was shining on her. Wait how would there be a light shining on her?

SinB turned over and almost freaked out but she realized it was Yerin. She had her phones flashlight in the direction of SinBs face. SinB covered her eyes because the light was blinding her.

"Yerin?...what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question, especially at this hour. Do you know what time it is?"


"It's 1:37 AM" Yerin answered.

"Ugh...I'm thirsty" SinB whined.

"Here. Have some water" Yerin handed SinB a bottle of ice cold water.

"Thanks. How did you just get water outta nowhere?"

"I brought it with me. I figured you'd be thirsty"

"What do you mean? How would you even know that I'm here?"

"Well I came here awhile ago and you were asleep. You looked very peaceful and I didn't want to disturb you. I watched you sleep for awhile and then I went and got some water for you"

"Oh...thank you"

"I also have a sandwich just incase you were hungry" Yerin chuckled.

"I actually am" SinB took the delicious looking sandwich.

"Why are you out so late?" Yerin asked.

"I don't know. I shouldn't be though, I could catch a cold"

"You don't know? Something is wrong, what is it? Sorry I don't mean to be noisy. You don't have to tell me"

"I think I lost all my friends today. I'm all this cruel world. I don't have my friends anymore. I don't have anyone now"

"You still have a friend"


"SinB...will you be my friend?"

Midnight Sunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें