Not just a study partner

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SinB and Sowon have been studying for 4 days now. The test is today and SinB was actually nervous. SinB usually wasn't nervous. Should she fail the test or not? If she failed her mother would kill her but if she passed she'd have to go out with Sowon.

This is a big decision. It's Friday but SinB isn't feeling the good weekend vibe, all she feels is stress. Then she remembered an article she read awhile back about how stress can cause a heart attack.

She placed her hand over her heart to make sure it was beating at a normal rate. Luckily it was. SinB stopped stressing as much now knowing that she's not gonna die from a heart attack but she was still stressing a lot.

SinB got up early this morning so she could get to class early to make sure she wouldn't be late. Time always seemed to work against her. Or maybe she just never paid attention to the time. Someone should buy her a watch for each wrist.

The test will begin in 2 minutes. SinB was waiting at her desk anxiously. More and more students filled the room. This was the room where students come to retake a test. SinB didn't expect much people to come but then again a lot of people failed this test. There were so much students that some as in a lot had to move to another room.

The bell rang signaling that test were now being passed out. Once a test sheet landed in SinBs hand she facepalmed. She reached for her pencil only to find out that she didn't have one. She could ask to borrow one from Yuju or Eunha because of course they'd be retaking the test too but there's one problem, they're in a different testing room.

SinB was mentally panicking. She looked fine on the outside but on the inside she was a wreck. She couldn't just go ask the teacher for a pencil. She always came prepared to classes but of course today out of all days it had to be this one. SinB decided rather she should ask another student or teacher for a pencil.

She decided to ask the teacher because if the teacher caught her talking to another student he'd say that she's cheating and she'd get an F on the test and SinB was not down for that.

"Um...can I...may I borrow a pencil?" SinB asked shyly.
"Sure just don't forget one next time"
"I won't I promise" SinB took the pencil and bowed before going back to her desk.

SinB tried to do the test but her surroundings were distracting her. There wasn't even anything on the walls. SinB really must find plain white walls interesting.

Maybe SinB was afraid to look at the paper because she didn't want to see what the questions are. SinB took a quiet deep breathe and grabbed her pencil. She turned the paper over so she could see the problems.
'The hell? This test looks harder than the first one!' SinB thought to herself.

She began answering the questions cautiously. She also kept rechecking each answer to make sure it was right. At least SinB thought her answers were right. Then it hit SinB again. If she fails this test her mom is gonna kill her but if she passes it then she has to go out with Sowon.

SinBs mind went blank again. This is a hard decision. The hardest decision in her life she might say, but that was an overreaction of course. SinB had one choice. Either get an F and have the police find her dead corpse years later or go out with Sowon.

Just as SinB began to focus on her test  a student walked up to the teacher and handed her test in. SinB looked at the clock.
'20 minutes left?!" SinB began panicking inside again. Inside she was screaming "help me!"

As more students handed in their test SinB got distracted more and more. Struggling was an understatement.

"10 minutes left" the teacher announced. SinB has barely wrote anything on her paper yet. She grabbed her pencil and tried to focus as much as she  could. Luckily most students already handed their test in which helped SinB focus more because students weren't getting up out of their seats.

The teacher smiled when he noticed that SinB was finally moving her pencil. He knew distractions was a big thing to SinB. It was never easy for SinB to focus. Everything always seemed to be a distraction to her. And if there wasn't a distraction she'd always be in her own world but her own world was also considered a distraction.

Although SinB wasn't the smartest she still tried her best, most of the time. Some people just give up because they feel they're not smart enough.

The smarter kids tended to pick on the dumber ones. That's why SinB found it weird that she was never picked on. She's been picked on a few times but not like the others.

SinB still remembers when she was walking through the halls and some kids were making fun of another student. It would only make matters worst if SinB got involved so she didn't.

SinB continued walking down the hall but stopped to turn around when she heard the 'bullies' laughing and walking away. She searched the area for the student that was being picked on and found him in the trash can.

She felt bad for the guy so she decided to help him out. He bowed before running away. SinB continued her day like it was just another regular day.

After that incident she realized that life was always gonna be this way. You can't get away from being judged. People judge others for no reason.

That's probably how SinB became more insecure. Even in elementary the kids would judge her. It's true that SinB had insecurities from the start but people just made it harder for her.

"5 minutes left" the teacher announced while looking at SinB. SinB was to busy focusing on her test that she didn't notice the teacher looking at her, she didn't even notice that he announced the time.

SinB was writing faster than she ever has. It's a wonder how the led didn't break off the pencil from the amount of pressure she was putting on the pencil.

"Alright hand in your test" the teacher said. SinB finished the last question right on time. SinB was the only person left that had to turn in her test.

'Did all the students already finish their test before me?' SinB thought to herself. SinBs heart was racing as the students were exiting the room. SinB was the last to leave.

SinB got her test back at the end of the day and so did her friends.
"What'd you guys get? I passed! I got a 83 out of 100" Yuju was clearly excited.
"Aw I failed again! My parents are gonna kill me! I guess this is it guys, it was nice knowing you" Eunha joked, trying to hide that she was disappointed in herself.
"And you SinB?" Yuju smiled.
"Uh I got a...I passed! I fucking passed! I got a 98 out of 100!!!" SinB jumped up and down. She suddenly stopped when she saw Sowon walking her way. Then she remembered what Sowon had said on Monday. It was most likely a joke.
"I heard you passed the test" Sowon said with a grin on her face.
"Yes that's true...I did" SinB bowed.
"You're welcome"
"Thank you" SinB bowed again to show a sign of respect.
"I guess that means that we're not just study're my girlfriend, SinB" both Yuju and Eunhas jaw dropped while SinB stood there frozen and in shock.

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