Love or lust?

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All SinB remembers last night was being pinned to her wall by Sowon. Sowon wasnt mad though. Sowon was leaning in and thats when SinB realized that Sowon was about to kiss her.

'That god damn bitch kissed me! She fucking kissed me! That was my first kiss! I'm raging with anger!' SinB was mentally freaking out.

It was a great sunny afternoon but SinB didn't feel so great. She was wrapped up in her blankets and she looked like a mess. Sunrays were hitting her face from the opened curtains. SinBs alarm went off multiple times but she just kept pressing snooze.

'I'm a train wreck right now!" SinB shoved her face into her pillow. Then SinB was getting a call. It was Sowon.


"What?" SinB growled.

"Why are you mad at me?"

"Because you kissed me!"

"That's what couples do. Didn't you like it?"

"No I didn't like it! You should've asked my permission"

"SinB I'm sorry. Let me make it-"

"Give me some space, please" SinB hung up. Of course Sowon wouldn't obey. 'No' wasn't in Sowons vocabulary unless it was for rejecting people.

Around 35 minutes after Sowon called SinB she showed up at her house. SinBs parents were gone on a lunch date. SinB dragged herself out of bed and downstairs.

She didn't look to see who was at the door before she opened and now she was starting to regret it.

"SinB I-" SinB was already shutting the door. Luckily for Sowon she was able to stop the door with her foot before it closed all the way.

"SinB it was just one kiss"

"It was my first kiss!"

"...I didn't know"

"Yeah well now you do" SinB glared.

"Was I bad? kissing?" Sowon asked shyly.

"" SinB responded. She was also shy.

"May I come in?"

"Yeah. My parents aren't home so it might be a little lonely in here" SinB gestured for Sowon to come in.

"It's okay. I don't feel lonely when I'm with you"

"That's not what it seemed like yesterday. You seemed fine, you forgot about me"

"What? No I didn't"

"You and Eunha were flirting and laughing so much...I felt like I was the third wheeler..." SinB admitted.

"Oh SinB we weren't actually flirting. We were just playing around. And it seems like my plan worked" Sowon smiled.

"Plan? What plan?"

"I was trying to make you jealous and luckily it did"

"What?! You little brat!" SinB chased Sowon around the house. It was a surprise that laughter filled the house instead of swear words and yelling. Soon they were both laying flat on SinBs bed gasping for air.

"You caught me"

"I'm pretty sure I'm the one that caught your eye" SinB chuckled.

"You're the apple of my eye" Sowon smiled.

"You know...I never quite understood that phrase. Like why an apple?"

"I don't know either"

"Maybe it means that the person you like can be good like sweet and sour like and apple but it can also taste like straight up shit and bitter" SinB said.

"Maybe SinB...maybe" the two fell silent. Suddenly SinB started thinking of that girl again, Yerin.

'I wonder if she's okay...I hope she's okay. Maybe I should go to the hill tonight and see if she's there...?' SinB thought to herself. Yerin started invading SinBs mind that she didn't even realize Sowon was talking to her.


"Huh? Oh yeah..."

"You weren't listening were you?"

"No. Sorry"

"It's fine..."

"Anyways what were you saying?"

"It's more of what I was asking"

"What were you asking?"

" you like me?" Sowon turned to look at SinB. SinB felt a lump in her throat so she swallowed before answering.

"I uh...I don't know...I think I do"

"Good..." was all Sowon said. Unexpectedly Sowon rolled over and was now hovering over SinB.

"What are you-"

"Shhh" Sowon put her index finger on SinBs lips.

"Aren't...aren't we a little to young for this?" SinB said.

"Age is just a number"

"Virginity is a big deal" SinBs body was getting more stiff.

"I know SinB. Just relax" Sowon slowly moved her hand onto SinBs outer thigh.

"I have to go grocery shopping" SinB claimed.

"No you don't"

"I have to clean the house"

"The house is clean"

"I uh...I have to make lunch" now SinB was just making excuses to leave.

"SinB I know what you're trying to do. Just calm down. I'll go easy on you" Sowon tried to calm the girl underneath her. Before SinB could speak, Sowons lips were already pressed against hers. SinB was internally freaking out. She wanted to push Sowon off her but she couldn't.
Sowon was undoing SinBs belt and that's when SinB was really starting to freak out inside.

'Is it sexual assault if I don't want it?' Thoughts were running through SinBs mind.

"I cant! I cant! I'm not ready! Stop!" SinB pushed Sowon off her and put her belt back on as she took off running, but where was she going?

Of course SinB went to the place that brings her most comfort, the hill. Even though the stars weren't out she stared up at the beautiful blue sky. How will she face Sowon at school?

Thoughts were racing inside her head and she soon fell asleep. Sometimes she slept a lot when she was stressed. She's like a damsel in distress, she needs a hero. It must be her lucky day because her hero showed up.

SinB slowly opened her eyes only to realize that it was already late because the sky was black. Did she really sleep that long? Then she noticed a figure sitting by her. It was just who she was hoping for, Yerin.


"Yerin! Where were you yesterday?!"

"Oh...a doctors appointment. Why are you asking me where I was when I asked you where you were and you said don't worry about it. And calm down. Why are you so...I forgot the word"

"I was worried about you...that's all"

"Is there something you want to talk about?" Yerin asked.

"No. Just...stay. Let's just stare at the sky..."

"Okay..." SinB scooted closer to Yerin and laid down. The night was silent as they both stared up at the dark sky.

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