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I was terrified. I had never been so scared of someone in my entire life. All I can really remember is running to my house. Running with Tae. Tae crying and his dad screaming at us from his porch. We walked inside my house, my mom immediately rushing to see what was wrong. She examined Tae after he told her what had happened. Tae's father had smacked him across the face. So very hard. And I was there to witness it.

We were 14 then, sitting on Tae's bed. We were watching a video on Youtube. I had been over to Tae's house so many times in the past, but this time just felt so different. Tae had his arm around me. One hand dangling loosely by my shoulder and the other hand intertwined with mine. Every now and then, Tae would bring his lips dangerously close to my neck and start kissing. Gentle little kisses on my very sensitive neck, but i really liked it. Like i said, this was so very different than any other time i have been at his house.

"Taeeee! Stoppp!" i giggled when he bit on a part of my neck.

"you're so cute" he gazed at me, which obviously caused my face to turn the shade of a tomato.

That's when the fucker started tickling me.

"TAE STOP!!!" i kept giggling and yelling and he just kept tickling.

"taeeeeeee" i whined. That's when he stopped. I don't know how it happened but he was sitting on top of me. I was laying down and he was just sitting on my lap, his hands on my chest. He looked at me for a second and smiled this huge boxy smile. It made my heart melt.

"what is it, Tae?" i asked.

"oh nothin" he said so casually while keeping that smile on his face.

That's when it happened. We had a brief moment of eye contact and that's when he leaned down, cupped my cheeks and closed his eyes, connecting our lips. We didn't really know what we were doing, but i liked it. I took both of my hands and put them in his hair. The sounds were really weird.

I never thought that i would kiss my best friend and secret crush, Kim Taehyung. But there i was. Doing just that. And it felt amazing.

Just as we were really starting to get the hang of it, Tae's dad walked in. I didn't even realize that he had knocked about 3 times before entering.

"Taehyung!" He shouted.

He jumped off of me in a heartbeat. There we were. Sitting beside each other on Tae's bed, hoping to God and everything holy that nothing bad was going to happen. As much as we hoped and prayed, it actually went worse than we ever thought it could've.

-crash • k.t.h & j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now