The Way It Is

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A/N Hey peeps! I really have nothing to say so..........enjoy!

Your P.O.V

I was so warm. I love my bed. I love my covers. I love my soft pj's and comfy room. But, I had to wake up at some point. But right now is way to soon.

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" I heard a familiar voice say. 

"Just five more minutes...." I trailed off

She was silent, so I took that as a 'Fine just five more minutes.' But no. If there is one thing I learned about Ki in the last eleven hours, it is that she has a very twisted sense of logic. She somehow, silently crept onto my bed, waited till I was almost completely asleep again,(which didn't take long since we went to bed at 4:30) then ponced on top of me. And started to jump. SHE JUMPED ON ME TO WAKE ME UP!

"AHHH-OWWWWWWWWW! DUDE! SERIOUSLY!?" I screamed, fully awake now.

"Are you awake?" she calmly asked now sitting on the floor.

"Yeah but-"

"Then I succeeded!" she said giving herself a pat on the back. I stared at her in disbelief for a moment, then I chuckled at her strange way of succeeding. 

"C'mon, let's get dressed. We don't want to miss the talent show!" she said as she grabbed her stuff and taking it to the bathroom to change. I yawned, then rolled out of my bed. I threw my uniform on and stuffed the music papers we made into my bag.

"Where did you get that uniform?" she questioned suddenly appearing behind me. I jumped forwards and turned around.

"God Ki! Why you gotta be so sneaky!?" I said half joking. She shrugged, and waited for my response to her question. "I had it custom made. I did not want to wear that yellow disater. No Offense." I said pointing to the fugly dress she was wearing.(fugly is a word.....leave me alone!)

"None taken. I don't like it either. Do you have a spare?" she asked with pleading eyes.

"Yeah. It's not exactly the same but you can have it if you like it." I said heading to my closet. I dug through my millions of cloths, and finally found it. She grabbed it out of my hand, and changed into it. Literally twenty seconds later, she jumped out of the bathroom and did a pose.

"How do I look?" 

"You look awesome."

Yay!" she ran to me and hugged me. "It's you and me against the world!"

"And a few abnormally handsome boys that call themselves a host club." I mumbled. She laughed, and we headed to school.

*time skip to when they arrive*

We bolted down the hallway, determined to get to our classes. There were still a few students in the hallway, because they can get away with being late and they know it.

Soon, Ki and I came to the turn she was supposed to take to get to her class. She gave me a hug, and rushed to her class. 

Luckily, I made it to the classroom one second before the bell rang. Yes, one second. Sometimes, my ridiculous amount of luck surprises me. 

"Victory!" I hollered pumping my fist in the air. I received a few chuckles from my peers, and a smirk from my teacher. I hurried to my seat so the teacher could start. I greeted the twins, and tried to pay attention to the directions. But once again, failed miserably. Don't get me wrong, I love language literature, but I can never seem to pay attention to any of my subjects. It's like my brain shuts off when I need it most.

Our Hearts Beat Together- Hikaru x OC |DISCONTINUEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя