Without thinking, she daringly jumped through the bushes, tackling the nearest warrior. She pinned that warrior to the ground and slashed her claws across their pelt. The warrior suddenly went still.

Honeyrose was a bit confused, and mistakenly relaxed her grip. As soon as she did, the warrior seemingly came back to life and pushed her over.

Honeyrose's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe it. She had been tricked by a trick apprentices knew to avoid.

Honeyrose attempted to release herself from the warrior's grip as she wildly thrashed around on the ground, and it seemed as if the warrior who held her down was struggling.

Honeyrose managed to free herself, knocking over the warrior who had pinned her down.

She panted heavily and immediately glared at the warriors with her striking yellow eyes.

Honeyrose prepared herself for the attack, facing off the traitors.

Wait, she thought, her eyes widening.

"W-why are you a traitor? You were-"

Her meow was cut short.

Honeyrose felt teeth pierce into her neck, sinking into her flesh as if she were a piece of prey.

She let out a loud cry, her neck in immense pain as her final breath left her body forever.

Please avenge me, Graystar, she thought silently as her eyes turned dull.


"Please avenge me, Graystar."

The thought appeared into Graystar's mind as fast as lightning. Graystar jumped out of her nest, her claws unsheathing.

"What? Who's there?" Graystar said groggily, her eyes blinking wildly.


Graystar's fur smoothed down as she realized she was alone. She slowly exhaled, her eyes closing in relief.

Please avenge me, Graystar.

Graystar's eyes snapped open again. She looked around for a cat who might have been the owner of the voice, but no cat in her den was close enough.

The sunlight streamed through the entryway of Graystar's den, and Graystar poked her head out of the den.

Warriors were about; doing their every day business. Although, Graystar noticed, they were walking around carefully.

Graystar exited the den, her eyes adjusting to the light that came from the sun. When her eyes finally adjusted, she worriedly searched the camp for missing cats.

"Good morning, Graystar!" Dawnpetal's voice interupted Graystar's search. "Did you sleep well?"

Graystar nodded, not taking the time to actually speak in words. She continued to search the camp with her eyes, as Dawnpetal sat beside her.

"Smallcloud seems to be getting better," Dawnpetal commented. Graystar nodded once again, distratced with the task at hand.

Where is Tinypaw? She said, the small apprentice entering her mind.

The apprentices were sitting near the apprentice's den, all seemingly sad because of the past day's deaths. They'd lost two of their most precious clanmates.

Graystar's heart ached for the apprentices, and she didn't really notice that Dawnpetal was poking her.

"Graystar? Are you alright?"

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