"Don't you fucking walk away from me!" He yelled, slamming the door behind him, making me go into our bathroom, slamming that door, as well as locking it so he wouldn't be able to get in. I collapsed onto the ground, putting my head in my hands as I sobbed, listening to the pounding on the other side of the door.

"Open the door, you fucking bitch!" He said, pounding on it. "Sooner or later I'll get in, and you're gonna regret doing this so much." He said, laughing. "Come on!" He yelled angrily after a little bit, kicking the door once, making me jump.

"Just stop it, Mr. J! Give up! Leave me alone!" I yelled back at him, but my voice making it obvious that I was crying.

Suddenly the pounding stopped, making my heart stop. He slid down to the floor as well, making me understand that we are face to face, only the door being right in the middle of us.

"Shh, shh, baby girl. You need me right now. Let me hold you. I promise I won't do anything to you." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

I was about to give in, but I shook my head, letting out a choked sob. "No, Mr. J. I won't let you control me this time. I know exactly what you're planning on doing. You're planning on getting me weak-"

"Shut the fuck up. Shut it, once and for all, before I fucking kill you." He said in a growl, making my eyes go wide.

I was right.

Soon enough, we were both quiet. I curled myself into little ball on the cold bathroom floor, now not having enough tears to cry so I just laid there with my eyes closed, feeling the need to have someone hold me, but I knew that that would be a stupid thing to do.


My eyes flew open as I realized I was asleep. I looked around the bathroom, seeing everything in place and the door still there, standing, surprisingly. I expected him to take that door down or something.

I sighed, standing up. I looked in the mirror, seeing a small bruise formed on my cheek, as well as a bruise on my arm where he gripped me. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall, seeing that I've been asleep for an hour and a half. Hopefully he's cooled down.

I carefully unlocked the door, opened it, and walked out. When I did though, I saw him sitting on our bed. He was looking straight at me, as if he was there the whole time, just waiting for me to come out.

"Look who decided to show up." He said, patting the spot beside him. He seemed like he was slightly better, so I decided to walk over to him. "C'mere." He said, motioning for me to sit beside him, so I did.

He put a hand on my face, thumb tracing over my bruise. "How's that feeling?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"It's okay." I said, confused as to how he is acting right now.

He lightly kissed my cheek, picking me up and placing me on his lap. "Why don't we go to sleep, hmm? We can deal with whatever this was in the morning. I'm tired."

"O-okay." I said, and at that moment I knew that he wasn't going to do anything else to me. Maybe when we wake up, making a day after, but for now, this was his way of apologizing. And honestly, I'll take it.

We changed into our pajamas, turned off the lights and went to bed. My head was on his bare chest and his arm was tightly wrapped around my shoulders. I feel safe right now, even though this was the person that has hurt me many, many times before. Both emotionally, and physically.

But this is what i signed up for when I fell in love with the Joker, and I'll have to put up with it.

I cuddled into his embrace, slightly opening my eyes to look up at him, seeing a small smile on his face. I smiled at that, closing my eyes once more.


Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter. It wasn't like "Woah this is super intense, he's beating her up like crazy" or whatever, but I think it shows a pretty accurate description of their relationship.

Twisted and hella weird.

Anyways, don't forget to comment, vote, and share! I love reading everyone's comments, they always make my day better!

Also I'm about to go to a job interview in an hour. Pray for me, babes!



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