"Fritz here will guide you to where you'll be working and help you pick out a uniform in your size. Oh, and before i forget..." he reached in to his desk drawer again and took out a plastic rectangular badge, with a pin on the back. On the front was a golden sticker. The corners were peeling off a bit. He glanced at the paperwork you filled out and wrote your name on the badge in the ballpoint pen. "Here."

you took the badge. Your name was spelled wrong, but you didn't say anything.

You heard a noise from the doorway. you turned, seeing a rather chubby man with a spatter of freckles on his face standing there. He was in uniform, and Day Watch was written on his hat.

"Ah! Here you are. Take  Y/N too were she'll be working. help her with her uniform while your at it. Tuck your shirt in."

"Yes, sir!" Fritz said again, grinning sheepishly. he stuffed the bottom of his shirt in to his pants.

You stood up.

"Remember, Y/N" boss talked. "12:00. Don't be late."

You remmebered meeting Fritz Smith fondly. He was a likable man, sporting red, ratted hair and chocolate brown eyes. His glasses were a little too large and he was pushing them back on to the bridge of his nose constantly. you couldn't help but notice his prominent buck teeth. He was kind of cute.

"Hey, Y/N, right?" Fritz chuckled a little. "Night guard shift, huh?"

Not bothering to wait for a responce, he went on. "Aha... yeah. Good luck with that. you'll probably need it."

He spotted your quizzical expression. "um, well currently i'm obviously the day shift, but," he pointed to his hat. "I've also covered for the current guy a few times, and uh, it's no walk in the park i can tell you that. I got fired, too! On the first day! Funny story, actually."

You kind of wanted to hear it.

"Though clearly I got rehired again. Oh! We're here."

You stared in to the rather large room, for an office. there were two vents on either side, and a desk in the middle that was littered with crumpled paper balls and soda cups. You took notice of the numerous cobwebs that were strung in every nook and cranny of the room.

"Funny." Fritz said. "You think somebody would be dusting the place. Anyway, since it'll your first day, you'll have a partner with you. Jeremy. Uh, Fitzgerald. Hes a nice guy. Nice enough that I've covered for him numerous times, yeah. He's a little timid but he's cool."

Fritz looked around the place once more and clapped his hands together. "Okay! Uniforms! What's your size?"

You wondered what Fritzz had meant when he wished you good luck. Maybe it had something to do with the dismemberment. Recalling the way to go to get to the office, you made it there no problem. Nobody was inside. Were you here at the right time? You double checked your watch. It was 11:40. No, you were fine. You supposed you couldn't blame Jeremy for not being here yet. It was a little early. You just wanted to be the best for the first day on the job.

You strolled to the desk sitting in the center, sitting on the spinny chair that had the cover coming off of it, revealing the yellowish colored foam underneath. There was a fan on the desk. You turned it on, and a large puff of dust blew in to your face. You sneezed.

You looked around once more, and then looked at your chair. You realized that if somebody else were to come, two chairs would be neccesary. You remembered the multiple stacks of plastic chairs that sat in the dining room. You checked your watch again.  It was only 11:44. You would have enough time to grab one for the other guy.

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