"How come?"

"That's cuz I've kept it with me this whole time" a sly grin spread across his face.

"Aw come on, why did you do that?"

"Cuz I did notice the herd of girls following me everywhere and I didn't want my envelope to be filled with random letters full of nonsense"

"Then I better not put my letter in"

"A letter from you definitely wouldn't be full of nonsense. I'm sure of it. Oh, and does that mean you do admit that you were looking for my envelope?"

"Just give me the envelope, please" Kimiko said and gave her cutest puppy eyes. Sure enough, the envelope was thick and full of letters just as she had expected.

"No one could possibly say no to that" he said handing her the envelope.

"Actually someone has"

"Woah I wonder who's that heartless person"

"It's actually Ichinose-san, and he's not heartless he's just looking out for me"



"You mean the Ichinose Kazuya that was Kino Aki-san's husband?"

"Yeah, you met him at Endou-san's house"

"Ohhh. But how could he possibly say no to those adorable eyes of yours"

"Well considering he's kinda my dad, he has the rights to say no"

"Wait what? I thought you guys were just relatives. How is he your dad? Is that even possible?"

"I'm adopted"

"Oh, I'm sorry I brought it up"

"No, it's fine"

"How did this happen?"

So Kimiko ended up telling Tsurugi about how she used to live in the states and how Ichinose-San decided to adopt her.

"But how come he just suddenly decided to adopt you? Adopting a child who's nearly the age to be their sibling isn't an easy job."

"Well, we kinda had this deal"


"Yeah. Pretty much, I help him and Aki-San get together and he helps me find my dad"

"Oh, but then you found out he was ill"

"Yeah. I hope he's doing better" Kimiko said her tone laced with worry.

"I'm sure he'll recover soon enough"

"Thanks, Tsurugi"

"No problem. I'll always be here for you if you need me"

The two stood still for a while before Tsurugi piped up.

"What was your real name? You know like before you were adopted"

Kimiko sat silent. She hoped this questions wouldn't come. But now that it had been said, she couldn't really avoid it.

"It's better if I didn't tell you"

"Why? It's your name, Kimiko. There can't be anything bad about that"

"It's kind of a secret"

"Does anyone else know your real name?"

"Yeah, the adults like Endou-San, Ichinose-San, Haruna-san know. Tenma does too..."

"You told Tenma? Come on, if Tenma knows then I gotta know too"

"You'll find out eventually but now isn't the time"

"This is so unfair" he whined like a three year old.

"Just know that you'll see me quite differently if you were to find out"

"Now you just make me wanna know even more. Please just tell me. I'll do anything"

"Anything? I don't think I'd be worth it"

"Well maybe not anything but you get the point"

"You'll find out soon enough"

Kimiko got up and walked back to her room despite Tsurugi's protests to find out the truth.

My Father's SecretWhere stories live. Discover now