"She isn't his family!" I hissed back before pushing past him to make my way towards Zak.

I knew Aaron was worried, worried that this would cause another member of the crew to leave, but he had to understand that it had nothing to do with us. If anything, Zak's moods have been brilliant for the past few weeks and I'm putting that down to the fact Katy was part of his life.

"Stop!" Zak hissed bringing both myself and Aaron to a stand still. We waited, I myself held my breath, but let it go when Zak changed course.

"I'm so sorry man." I spoke as I got nearer.

"If anything has happened to her, I'm holding you responsible." He replied stopping us again.

"I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make this up to you and to Katy.. I should have realised." I answered feeling the guilt hitting home as I saw his face.

"I- I can't go through all of it again. I can't." He whispered moving on faster through the undergrowth.

I knew what he meant.. He meant he couldn't be without her again, he couldn't not live a life without her being a part of it. Which meant Katy wasn't the only one harbouring feelings..

"Shh!" He hissed stopping us all again. Only this time we could hear music. "This way!"

Cutting through the trees, we fell into a clearing, Zak caught Aaron's flash light as he tossed it to him and we began pacing forward when Zak flashed the light over the ground.

I spotted a black patch on the ground and tried to focus my eyes harder on it when I realised it wasn't all that it seemed.

"Bro!" I hit his shoulder and made my way over to it. I stopped seeing the patch was in fact a pit.

Music started up making my head snap over to Zak who's eyes widened "Katy?!"

The flashlight hit a black jacket covered in mud, followed by a pale face.

"Shit!" Aaron hissed seeing her. "How do we get her out?"

The pit was at least 14 feet wide by 7 feet deep. Too high for a woman of 5,3.

Aaron's answer was given as Zak wasted no time in getting himself onto the ground and searching for a way to get down there with her...

Aaron's answer was given as Zak wasted no time in getting himself onto the ground and searching for a way to get down there with her

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Billy POV--

I paced the RV looking at Jay who was using the laptop to try and track her position using the satellite.

"This is taking too much time man. Where the hell is she?"

Jay shook his head "I have no idea."

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