Chapter 29: What Was Lost is Now Found

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I slowly nodded in fear. "Good girl," he released my chin before driving again.

A few minute passed by and we were now on some lonely street with plain fields surrounding us. Once we stopped and he took me to who knows where, I was planning to just take them all out with my powers but I have to be sure he's not around some device so Ethan and Kai doesn't get hurt. I wonder if he wears a earpiece like the guys I took out in Victor's mansion.

I looked over to the guy who was driving and as we driver under some streetlights, I looked to see something glimmer in his ear. Squinting my eyes, I saw he was indeed wearing a clear earpiece. I heard some liquid being splashed around in the back and I turned to see the guy soaking a white cloth with something from the white bottle.

It took me a few seconds to realized what it was. It was chloroform. I started to prance around in my seat trying to wiggle out of the cuffs to defend myself.

"Stop it," the guy ordered in a deep tone.

I ignored his demand and turned in my seat so I was looking out the window. I leaned back and with all my strength, I push the buckle lock causing the seat belt to fly off me. I then let out a groan as I realized I could of used my powers for that. I quickly focused and unlock the door and opened it.

Getting ready to jump out, a hand pulled me back on the seat and I looked to see it was the leader. The guy from behind then leaned forwards and shoved the cloth over my nose. I held my breath and with one swift move, I headbutt the guy causing him to drop the cloth and groan in pain.

I then lifted my leg and kicked the driver in the face causing him to let out a painful groan along with the car to swerve. The car slowed down and I quickly jumped out and rolled across the road bruising my entire body. With adrenaline now pumping through me, I quickly got up and started to run towards the field but a car sped towards me before stopping directly in front me.

Some of the guys from the car started to come out and I turned to run but bumped into their pissed off leader who had a bloody lip. I looked around to see about 11 of the guys surrounding me.

"Go ahead. Make your move but if those guys don't hear back from me each other, your brother is dead," the guy hissed.

I then hummed indicating I wanted to talk.

"No," his voice came out monotone. "Get back in the car," he ordered stepping aside.

Letting out a sigh, I slowly dropped my head and walked back to the car before struggling to climb back in my seat. Everyone then got back into their car whilst their leader just casually buckled me in again. He then grabbed the cloth that was on the armrest and covered my nose with it since my mouth was already taped.

Hot tears were now streaming down my face. I didn't know what was going to happen to me unconscious which scared me even more. I watched as he showed no sympathy at all. He just gave me a smirk before my eyes shut and I slipped into total darkness.


I felt something nudge me a couple times causing me to open my eyes.

"Get up and eat," a rough voice ordered. Sitting up, I looked around to see we were in some small living room and I was on some old couch. In front me was a table with some cup soup and a bottle of water.

I heard a frustrated groan coming from across the room causing me to look up. It was the leader. "Hurry up. We don't have all day."

I stared at the soup then back at him before shaking my head. He could have put something in it.

He then proceeded to roll his head, "I didn't put anything in it. Do you want me to taste it or something?" he sarcastically asked.

I shook my head again, "I'm not hungry," I admitted.

Nature's Freak - BOOK 1 ✔ (Unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن