Chapter 29: What Was Lost is Now Found

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There was so many emotions going through me when I wrote this chapter. Comment what you think or any theories you may have. This is not the end. This book will end on the 30th chapter then Book 2 will come out. Yes, there is a Book 2 coming out ;)

Love you all and enjoy!!

~An Emotional Person <3


Song: MICHL - Die Trying

I felt my heart skipped a beat as I was processing what was happening. Deciding not to give myself way, I quickly smiled and nodded my head at this guy who was pretending to be a doctor.

"Can I just speak to my brother for a second?" I asked in a soft tone.

The doctor shook his head as he walked up closer to Ethan. I looked over to Kai who was just glaring at the nurses before giving me a settled look. He knew what was going on as well. I focused and clenched my hands into two fist getting ready to use my powers.

"No!" Ethan blurted out.

I watched as the guy looked at him along with the nurses, Kai and myself.

Ethan then almost face palmed himself as he just gave himself away. "I mean, we don't need to talk, so no," he tried to cover up but I knew he was saying that I shouldn't use my powers.

My eyebrow rose, "Why not? I mean, we should talk about this." I was asking why I couldn't use my powers.

"Because others can get hurt with us picking up so much time," he stated eyeing the door and then the wall behind the bench. There were more guys outside this room waiting for us in case something goes down. One wrong more and we could be death not to mention other innocent people may be caught in the crossfire.

I looked at the guy to see him utterly confused.

"Okay, well I'm going to use the bathroom," I lied turning on my heal as I walked towards the door. Once I get out of this room, I was going to text Victor.

I went to open the door but the handle didn't budge. I let out a sigh knowing things just got more intense. I heard a clip and slowly turned around to see some of the nurses aiming their pistol at Kai and I. The doctor had his pistol aimed to Ethan's head.

The guy let out a chuckle as he saw the horrified look on our faces. "At last, I finally am able to capture you guys. Victor will have no choice now but to turn himself in and sign everything over," he hissed. "Unplug your IV and get dress kid," he ordered Ethan before turning to look at the guys with the pistols, "Kill him," he ordered them to kill Kai.

My eyes widened, "WAIT!" I shrieked before they could pull the trigger.

The guy turned his head towards me with glare.

"I want to make a deal with your leader," I mumbled causing him to laugh along with the other guys.

The guy shook with a smirk, "I am the leader babe," he snickered.

I slowly nodded, "Right... Well, how about this. You take me and leave my brother here and him," I pointed to Kai.

The guy's eyebrow rose at my deal, "Why should I?"

"Well," I started to randomly think of excuses, "It would be a waste of bullet and that would just be messy if you kill him. You should leave my brother because he's no use to you and he would just slow you down since he's sick. Besides, Victor don't care about him," I lied straight through my teeth. "If you take me alone, I promise to corporate and do anything you say," I added.

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