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Welsie: Welcome back everybody!!! So quick explanation of this game before I give our lovely guests the first dare! You guys can give truths or dares for any one or many of our guests! If the guest(s) fail go complete the truth or dare....they DIE!! *evil grin* ....... *starts to laugh* Just kidding! .....or am I.... Anyways! Let's start!!

Welsie: This first dare is for Keith and was subbmited by  Spirt_of_the_Wolves! *reads the dare* ooooo how spicy! Keith! Spirt_of_the_Wolves has dared you to.... let Lance slap you and you can't do anything about it!

Keith: WHAT? Why?!

Welsie: Beacause.... it's a dare! *smiling*

Shiro: This won't end good...

Allura: not at all

Pidge: mhm....

Lance: .........

Keith: Okay fine whatever.... Lance. Come over here and slap me

Lance: ..... *walks over to Keith and stands in front of him* ........

Keith: *closes eyes and gets ready for impact* ....

Lance: ....... *turns to welsie* did it specify where exactly?

Keith: Lance! Just slap me on the cheek!

Welsie: Which cheek exactly Keith~ *dies laughing*

Lance and Keith: *faces go bright red*

Pidge: *laughing*

Shiro and Allura: *laugh quietly*

Coran: *confused* ....?


Lance: *sighs* okay.... close your eyes...

Keith: *closes eyes*

Lance: ........ *slaps him hard*

Keith: *grits teeth* *males a small gasping sound* ..........

Lance: you okay?

Keith: *nods* *cheek going red* I'm fine.

Lance: Okay....

Welsie: Welp! There's that dare done with! I hope Keith's cheek is okay..... I do wish lance slapped the other cheek though...

Keith: *glares*

Welsie: ANYWAYS!!! Heh heh heh... we'llbe right back after these messages....

VOLTRON TRUTH OR DARES!!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora