Why we dont need the moon

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Hey guys, its georgina speaking, well,writing.

And I've been doing some research about the moon and from what I can tell, we dont really need it.

For instance, I dont know about you, but i find the dark very scary.
You cant see when it's dark, im not sure why, but we just cant. You will never know if there's a serial killer following you in the streets because it's so dark!
Also, i have a feeling that most car accidents happen at night, when it's dark.

Am i the only one who thinks that nighttime but when the sun is out is really pretty? I love the sun, it makes everything brighter!

So my idea that I've proposed to NASA (i sent them an email but they havent responded yet) is to blow up the moon!

Its not like anything bad will happen, no one lives there, so no one will die.

The only problem is that you wont be able to see it anymore but i think we can live with that.

So if you agree with me write #nomoremoon in your bio and spread the word!!

Thanks for reading!

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