

As the Soldiers began to fire at the being, the Bullets just Bounced off of it which was bad news for them. As it Ran towards the second one, before jumping up high near the top of the trees. Coming back down, slamming it's fists onto the 2nd soldier turning him into a paste.

The armored being stopped in place while, another soldier decided to shoot closely, which was a mistake with the being grabbing. The Soldier's face and crushed it with it's right hand, and threw the soldier's corpse at another one. Causing him to fall and be pushed back into a Tree. He was about to get up but the being ran over to one of the jeeps, and picked it up without a sweat. Throwing it at the soldier crushing The Off- balanced one along with the corpse.

All that was left is ap soldier holding what appears to be a rocket launcher. And the Lieutenant who is running away, the Soldier with the rocket launcher firing at it's back. But did not even leave a scratch. Then it's right hand formed into a Huge Blade which intrigued me to know more about this Armored thing.


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It then bolted towards the soldier jumping, up and coming down slicing the last one in half by the shoulder. Leaving the Lieutenant running away at the sight of this unholy monster. But then the being formed it's arm back to Normal, now picking up a rifle one of the soldiers dropped, and shot. At the left leg of the Lieutenant making him fall onto the Ground. he said a few words trying to convince it to spare his life.

Lieutenant: "Ww....wait!!! We can talk about this Mercer Please don't kill me!"

The being walked over to him an stomped it's foot onto the Lieutenant's right leg, leaving him to scream in pain Gushing out blood.

Lieutenant: "AHHHHH! MY FUCKING LEG!!" Grits teeth in pain "P..pl.please Don't do this Mercer..."

I didn't hear the voice of a monster, but the voice of a young man possibly near the ages of 17 and 20.

?????: "I'm not Zeus lieutenant.....it's me...Abyss"

Abyss? Unusual name.....he's affiliated with a man named Mercer?

Abyss: "Tell me lieutenant where is your base? Or better yet you're Colonel?"

Lieutenant: I c..ca...can tell you just please don't kill m-me"

Abyss: "I can't promise that, since I lied about you needing to tell me"

As Abyss looked down at the Lieutenant, he jumped on him. Leading to abyss punching the Lieutenant's face until it became mush. Then for the final move, used his right foot to stomp into the Lieutenant's chest killing him.

But then black and redish tendrils came out of it's back. And rammed into the Lieutenant's body. Looking like it was beaking him into small pieces, I couldn't describe what I've seen, but in the end it stood in a pool of blood. Where the Lieutenant's corpse was with the it's Tendrils going back into its body.
It was a horrible yet fascinating sight.


Abyss: "Thank you for your cooperation Lieutenant" Wipes off a smudge of blood on his arm. "Time to pay the Colonel a visit"


Abyss looked upon the work he's made. A jeep on fire with a truck turned over with, corpses around him. This was just the beginning but to ensure a normal life....he's gotta snuff out the blackwatch controlling this area. He turned his head a little to the right, knowing where the base is now. As his armor got more rigged feeling the adrenaline he felt back in NY. And not a second later Abyss bolted in the direction of the base, with inhuman speed.....it may be faster then the Rake. Leaving Slenda and the others to take in what happened.


Slenda: "I feel as if we should follow him, it may lead to why that base is near my forest" Stands up to her full height towering the others.

Ann: "Do you think that's a good idea? This Abyss may as well be stronger then all of us" Lowers her mask to speak clearer.

Jess: "What are you scared?" She chuckled slightly feeling a little jittery, that huge ass Blade might be hard to fight against.

Ann: "This thing is bulletproof, can form its hand into a blade and to top it all off Jess" She said her name in a sneering matter. "It just ran faster then Angel or Rogue to wherever that base is"

Angel: "If we can take this thing out before it finds us. We may have a chance to killing it, or at least subdue it for Slenda to research" Readies sword.

Slenda: "No, no subduing......until we know it means us no harm. We're going to watch it"

Jess: "WHAT! WHY!?" She stood with her voice filled with annoyance.

Jane: "I have to agree with Jess, we don't know where that came from. That thing has Armor and a Blade Bigger then our Weapons"

Jill: "I knew this day we gonna turn up, I saw it in a dream"

Slenda: "Girls be reasonable if that Abyss character doesn't join us. It might join Zalga's side.

Jess: "Fucker can join those shitheads for all I care"

Clockwork: "Slenda's right this thing might join Zalga. Considering it didn't show any mercy"

Slenda: "Once we find out how to approach. Then I'll see if it has any weaknesses"




To be Continued

[Discontinued] Prototype Male reader x Creepypasta HaremWhere stories live. Discover now