Chapter 1

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Pov Alan

Location: New York Red Zone.

Alan: ( seems weird talking to myself but who cares. I'm the son of a deranged man who wanted everyone to be together, in a disgusting new world of flesh if you wanna call it that. My name is Alan Mercer and this is my story of how I escaped New York)



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It was a day like any other in New York the horde of Infected jumping on a tank, a brawler eating a human scared for his life. Or maybe the hydra slamming it's grotesque neck on Infected. Yep this was New York or in codename, the Red Zone what was once a thriving sleepless city is ruin. My father Alex Mercer or in my words Dad might've caused all of this? I don't remember its been what 7 months? Since the final fight between Mercer and Heller I believed Heller. That man with the red glowing eyes wasn't my father anymore. But my dad came back to his senses after........after......after consuming heller and....Jesus christ heller's daughter and his own damn sister. Is there a chance for redemption for him? Maybe or maybe not I didn't care anymore everything is done. Blackwatch is considering to burn the city and Gentek is gone. I'm just laying back waiting to burn along with the rest of these freaks. My father just became quiet after consuming them, he just got silent and dull maybe finally his guilt reached him.




I was strong like my father and Heller. Having Immensive strength to lift a tank, lighting speed to rival a racing car. But that was it since. If I explained what I can do, we'll be here for an hour.
Most of the time in NY, I was either sleeping or watching this city destroy itself. My father just stayed where the fight took place. Just in a corner seeing everything he's done in his sister's eyes. I can't help but feel bad maybe deep down that wasn't my dad anymore, maybe I didn't want to be alone either but man.......everything was fucked up. I got a feeling my father died at the station that night, when he tried to escape with the blacklight virus or maybe its the thought of finally finding peace in death. Burning with this city though a Nuke didn't kill him what could?



But right now I might as well stay with whats left of my father. I did sense him trying to signal me?
After arriving where the fight took place, my father or the virus had his jacket off. Wind blowing in his hair he turned to me sensing my arrival.

Alan: "What is it now Dad? Finally ready to consume me now? Like you did to mom and Auntie Dana?

Alex: "..............Its time for you go boy"

Alan: I looked up to him seeing a depressed look, why was he sad? Finally gotten that virus gunk out of his ears. "What are you talking about?"

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