Sixteen: Before (5)

Start from the beginning

"What do we do about that?" I wondered.

"Nothing," she mumbled. "These things happen. Have you ever wondered why only two people in the world know what I can do?"

"I thought it's because you just don't want to become a fortune teller."

She grinned, but still didn't face me.

"I'm kidding," I said quickly. "I know it's because you feel like your power is weird - which it's totally not by the way."

"Well there is the thing about it coming across wrong," she smiled still, "but also because when I told Ryan about it - my best friend Ryan - he became so obsessed and consumed by it. In the end, he didn't want to believe the truth anymore and our relationship was ruined."

"It was brutal though," I said. "What his family did. At least mine were shitty enough to send Mike and I both here."

"It's happening to him again," she said softly, completely ignoring what I had said. "He's becoming consumed and obsessed all over again. He's forgotten all of you in favor of being by my side constantly."

Dani began speaking again before I could get a word in. "You're the only one who hasn't become obsessed with knowing your future. Why?"

I looked at her strangely, unsure of how to answer the question. "I think I have? I just asked you ten minutes ago if you've had any visions."

She laughed. "That's not what I mean, Vicky."

I immediately blushed at the pet name and had to turn away from her before she noticed, coughing in an attempt to disguise the movement.

"I mean that you've never asked about your family or your relationship with Kellin or if you're going to pass your potions test next week-" Dani laughed.

"Wait what?" I interrupted her.

"What?" she was still laughing. "Like I don't know that you haven't even opened your potions book let alone begin studying for it."

"No not that," I said hurriedly. "What did you say about me and Kellin?"

She blinked at me awkwardly. "What about your relationship?"

"I don't have a relationship with Kellin," I answered curtly, my stomach starting to flutter. Oh god what had she seen? If she saw something, anything and reported it to one of our teachers then Kellin and I could definitely be thrown into a dungeon for punishment. Not to mention that they'd separate us and cast spells so we wouldn't be able to come close to each other.

I knew my school did not tolerate boys with boys or girls with girls and they barely tolerated boys with girls. I knew what happened if they caught you doing anything against the rules. Even though Kellin was just my friend, the thought of it had my blood racing.

Dani looked at me as if it were the first time she'd ever seen me. "Do you not know?"

"Not know what?" I demanded, trying to press her into telling me what she'd seen.

"How he feels..." she continued slowly and trailing off. "Oh god you don't. I'm too early."

"Too early for what?" I was becoming more frantic. "What does he feel? Danielle what's going on?"

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) Where stories live. Discover now