oh yeah and

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you ever have those moments when the creative side of your brain is like YAY CREATIVITY IMA THROW SO MUCH WEIRD CRAP AT YOU YES ENJOY FIGURING OUT WHAT THIS MEANS

i mean

i do

and well


You were my rock
You were my heart and soul
You were with me every step of the way,
Every day

I gave you all I had, you didn't take too much
Gave me some of yourself too
And I loved you all the way,
Everything you said
Everything you did
Just pushed me deeper in love

I loved you before I knew what love was

And then it changed...
And then I lost the way...
A word misspoke
A step mistook
A dream that went astray...
And we went our separate ways

We didn't knoooow...what we had before we lost it
We didn't knoooow...how far we had to fall
We didn't know the cost of having feelings
Didn't know till we lost it all

*coughs* i want to finish it but that burst of inspiration is like HAHA BYE NOW so

-rush again

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