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I'm alive!

*throws confetti up into the air*

Currently I'm writing Storming Hearts with Ruby and will continue to do that soon, but until then, something about story mode's been bugging me.

It's like Liv said in her last chapter: what if someone dies in the next episode?

I barely think that's even going to happen, but you never know. We didn't know Rueben (*cries*) would die. We didn't know Magnus would die.

We didn't know the warden would die..!

We didn't know Lizzie or Dan-wait no we did.

Rest in peace Lizzie/Dan, in my case Dan, in 90 percent of the other population, Lizzie..probably. They didn't deserve to die ;-;

Your deaths made me scream and hide underneath the couch until my dad had to ask me what was wrong and why I was semi-crying and wheezing.


this was too long of a tangent.

I might've needed to mention that episode 6's my favorite episode (although season 2 episode 2 and season 2 episode 1 are pretty close seconds.)

But anyways, speaking of the youtubers...! *claps*

Stampy and Stacy.

My beloved 'side' characters

My beloved youtubers

The defenders of Beacontown.

I'm scared for mainly them.


Well, sure, they didn't have to deal with undersea aquamarine ancient heavily-prison-guarded sea temples or eternal winter night or creepy Mush Room reformatories.

But they did have to deal with some-what part of the whole, 'eternal winter night this-totally-isn't-a-ripoff-off-escape-the-night find my arena I'm British now I miss the prizmarine giant.'

They were the protects of Beacontown, the destroyers of strays, the ones who helped used prizmarine blocks and lanterns

And I'm concerned mainly because

a) The admin as Jesse tells the ninja (who I kinda hope is Ivor even if that would've make too much sense) to, 'check up on her companions.'

and we obviously know Lukas or Petra ain't dying. It's just not happening. So...side characters...youtubers. Lizzie, Dan, Sparklez, and Torquedawg all went down. You never know.

(and if it did I feel like everyone will collectively scream and cry and crap that makes Luktra can't exist.)

(*sees that I used the term, 'crap.'*...I'm sorry for the language.)



because they must've noticed Nurm  be captured and brought to the prison, which kinda makes absolutely no sense why he's with Jesse and the others now, and are wondering where the heck he must've gone or went.

So maybe the admin will ask what they know? Maybe they'll journey to go and find him and end up in deep trouble? I dunno..

I need my babies to be okay, okay? ;-;

All I'm saying is...please prepare for death. It might be so sudden you scream then cry, or scream more, or feel nothing at all, followed by blinking and then crying.

Because you never know what could happen in season two...

..besides our main ship...because Telltale is making sure they have no interaction, and cutting out the interactions they do have...

...yep. *cries because the only interaction they've had in season 2 so far is if Jesse DIES.*

Whelp, now I'm off to watch Ponyo! *swims away* Be prepared...

Luktra Randomness and Admin Thoughts ^^Where stories live. Discover now