Hello Again

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Liv here ^^

 Just thinking about season 2 episode 4. 

Have you thought of what the Admin could do to Beacontown?

He could *gulp* kill someone.

Know I'm not trying to worry the freak out of you, but it could be a possibility 

I mean the list of people we know and love that we might lose in the next episode...

the list could go on forever. 

Lets go down the list, shall we?

- Lukas: Ok lets be honest. We will most likely all get a depression if this happens in this episode or in a future episode.

- Petra: If you chose to save Jack, Petra will end up with the gauntlet. And know that she is red, its already Petra not in her best shape. If her death occurs, its sure that we would have a online funeral.

- Radar: *takes deep breath* Ok this can not happen. Not Radar. It would be a city full of tears of fangirls who would cry the loss of this beloved character. It would hurt everyone hard, if thats the answer your looking for 

- Stacy & Stampy: Honestly, I don't think is going to happen no matter what. I'd think that both of them would of hinted a bit more at the situation in their videos. But if it did happen, I'm sure that both of them would even be sad that they died on camera.

- All ZEE PEOPLE (including Nell): Has everyone forgot about the people of Beacontown? Their important too! Really when I saw the cut seen of the lat part of Episode 3, and *spoilers* that person..-er bounty hunter appeared, I thought about the towns people, and how the Admin gave the Amulet to the bounty hunter, and thats when I started to think about the Order. 

But it would be extremely sad to see Jesse walked around Beacontown empty because er..how do I put this down...dead.

I'm not wishing death upon any of these characters, really. I'm just stating the facts of what could happen in the next episode. 

Night' everyone


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