Finding Food & Allies

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I woke up the next morning feeling terrible. I got up and raked my fingers through my hair then walked out of the treehouse placing the branch back where it was. After climbing down the tree I sighed not really knowing the first place to look for food. I found some berries a little ways down looking a sickly red color and I decided not to eat them. I picked them as I thought of an idea. I can poison an enemy with these. I looked around to make sure no one was watching but felt an eerie stare. I turned around only to be knocked to the ground with Peeta on top of me and his new "friends" surrounding him laughing. I looked at him and whispered "Peeta don't do this." He had an ax in his hand about to plunge it in my head but decided against it. The look in his eyes clearly giving him away. "Well Peter you gonna kill the bitch or what?" He glared at Glimmer as she said this. "It's Peeta. And no." He sat up still on me and I bit my lip feeling nervous as hell. "Her name is Wiren." He said simply and his friends looked around confused. "Who cares?" Cato questioned and walked over pushing Peeta off. Cato then took the chance to stab me in the leg and I yelped in pain. "Wiren!" Peeta yelled and kicked Cato in the ribs causing him to scream and cough up blood right near my face. "!"Cato stood despite the sharp aching in his side and lunged for Peeta but he was just too quick. Peeta slid out of the way and threw the ax watching as it connected with a sickly sloshing noise to Cato's head. He dropped to the ground and by now Cato's followers had dispersed. "Wiren?" Despite the throbbing in my leg I smiled as I gathered a thought in my head. I may not have found food yet but I believe I found an ally.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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