Going To The Capital

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I sat on the train staring out the window & jumped when all of a sudden a man came through the door drunk as hell. He stumbled over to Peeta & said "Have you seen the vodka?" "Over there. So...Do you have any pointers for us?" I remembered he was Haymitch & smiled. "Hello Haymitch. I'm Wiren." I held my hand out & Haymitch acted as if I held out dirt. "Why are you wanting to shake my hand...Wiren?" "Well I just wanted to get to know you better & discuss tactics." "Your a girl I like. Anyways let me go shower & nap then I'll talk."

                                                                   ~~AFTER HAYMITCH'S NAP~~

Haymitch came through the door around five thirty & I had just woken up from a nap myself. "Do any of you want to learn how to survive or what?" I sat up straight & looked in his direction. "Wiren, What's your specialty?" "Well I'm good with throwing knives." "It won't help you for long. You need to be good with long sustainable weapons. Train with them & try to figure out something else that your good at. What about you...Katniss?" "Bow & arrow...And hunting." "You'll survive. Peeta?" "Camouflage." "I think you have a chance. Just make allies but don't get attatched because they will die." Haymitch went to the eating quarters & I followed him. I found Effie & two other people sitting at the table. "Oh hello Wiren." I waved & looked at the two unknowns. "I'm Cinna & I will be Katniss as well as your stylist. This is Portia. She is Peeta's stylist." "Um...nice to meet you." "I can tell you won't make any allies..." "Haymitch!" "Sorry Effie but lets be real. Wiren is not good with people whatsoever & won't last no time." "That's enough!" I looked at Effie startled & noticed she slammed down her napkin & stood up. "Excuse me Wiren, Peeta." I noticed Peeta was standing in the doorway & swallowed looking down. I had always had a bit of a crush on Peeta & knew he'd never like me or even notice me. "Hello Wiren." I looked up & Peeta was staring at me. Haymitch, Cinna, & Portia all had left and it was just me & him. "Hey..." I sat at the table & started to dig in while Peeta was just sitting down across from me. "Out of all the seats & you choose to sit right across from me." Peeta laughed & I blushed. "Well you looked lonely. I-" Everyone bustled back in with Katniss in tow & they put her right next to me. I frowned & Peeta noticed but looked away quickly. "We need to discuss tactics, what to wear for your fancy walk of fame, & whether I think.. You'll live through the games or not." I looked towards Haymitch & sighed putting my hand under my chin as I listened. "Stay away from the cornocopia. If you go near it you will be killed." Haymitch started drinking again & I rolled my eyes then mumbled "I guess that's all the advice we're getting." Everyone turned & stared at me & I looked away annoyed. "If you want to survive then that's all the advice you need." Haymitch took a swig of vodka & went out of the eating quarters. Cinna cleared his throat & took my arm. "We're going to take you & Katniss out now to discuss dresses while Portia discusses suits with Peeta." Katniss followed behind Cinna & I. We went into this giant room filled with fabrics & supplies for making literally any piece of clothing you could imagine. "Wow." I looked around and let go of Cinna's hand. "What are you doing Wiren?" "Looking around... That's it. I promise I won't touch anything." I smiled politely at Cinna & saw a piece of black sparkly fabric. My eyes lit up & I went to touch it when I felt a smack on my hand. "OW!" "You promised." Cinna walked off smirking & I glared at him. "We're going to fit you for all things clothes & see what accessories go with you. I guess we'll start with Katniss." "More like Katnip...." She turned & looked at me then mouthed 'Jealous much?' I sat down in a chair & waited to be plucked, pampered, & poked. After Katniss had her little fame party I was ready to get this over with. "Wiren? Wiren?!" I jumped & looked over at Katniss. She was staring at me & I sighed. "Is it my turn?" Deep down I had always liked Katniss but she had always hated me for some reason. "Yeah it's your turn." I got tired of trying with her & decided if she was going to be a bitch so was I. "Okay." I got up & noticed Cinna arguing with someone. I cleared my throat & Cinna turned clearly startled. "Oh yes um hello Wiren. Let's get started." "Who was that?" "President Snow. He wants me to dress you two up as coals but I honestly have no clue how to incorporate it." I thought for a second & got an idea. "You wouldn't necessarily have to make it all dull colors." Cinna grinned & whispered "You are fabulous Wiren." Cinna got to work fitting me & tried different accessories on me as well. I gasped at how large some of the jewels were & took it all in. For the rest of my time in the Capital I was going to be dressed like a queen. "Was there a certain fabric you liked that you want me to use Wiren?" I nodded & said "Can I get up to show you?" "Yes." I got up & went over to the black sparkly fabric I saw earlier & Cinna smiled. "That'd be perfect for you." Cinna got to work on a dress for Katniss & I while I sat there waiting for him to be done. "Escort her back out to Peeta & Katniss while I work." I was escorted out & saw my fellow tributes sitting on a couch quite close to each other if you ask me.... I stood there awkwardly & watched as the door slowly closed. "Hello Wiren." "Peeta." I sat down at the other end of the couch & watched as people started to fill my view. I grinned & waved to them. Peeta did the same & Katniss just stood there. "If you want sponsors you'll wave & smile." I saw Haymitch out the corner of my eye stumbling around. Katniss began to wave & the people cheered out "Girl on Fire." I looked at Katniss in question & she shrugged her shoulders. "I have no clue." We kept waving & the people cheered again "The Girl Burning On Fire." People pointed & laughed at me making me feel even worse then I already did. Back home I'm sure Gale & mom were the laughing stock... What about Rory, Vick, & Posy... God I feel terrible. I just kept waving & smiling but each time I felt worse not only about my survival but about arriving in the Capital, my little brothers & sister, my big brother. Everyone... I teared up & looked down. All this pressure to survive & get sponsors is too hard! I collapsed on the ground & closed my eyes as tears poured out. "Wiren?!" I gasped for air & looked at who was calling me. By now someone had lifted me up into their arms & I noticed it was Cinna. "Wiren? Are you okay?" "Wiren honey you must get up. They'll think your weak if you don't!" "They...They already do think I'm weak. I won't survive." My heart started to beat faster & faster until I could hardly stand it & Cinna called paramedics to come in. I stared into Cinna's eyes & eventually passed out. When I woke up I saw a crying Effie, an annoyed Katniss, and an upset Cinna. "Oh my god she's awake!!!" "Effie quiet down! You'll bust someone's ear drums! If you haven't already with your wailing." Haymitch muttered and Effie squealed very flustered then walked off. Cinna sat beside me and rubbed my face brushing the loose hair out of my eyes. "How do you feel?" I thought for a minute and whispered "Do you want an honest answer or a lie?" "Honest." "I feel like I'm dying." He frowned and had deep worry lines set in his forehead. "We are going to help you as much as we can before the Games. Okay?" I just nodded and closed my eyes again drifting to sleep. About two hours later I woke again and heard someone talking. "Those people are expecting you to win not be pissed because your District member is down. So quit moping around and get yourself together. Its more likely that she will die in the arena then anyone else here anyways." Haymitch. I could tell by how he was struggling to talk with how drunk he sounded. I made sure he didn't notice I was awake by keeping my eyes closed and sighing softly. After a while I figured I should make my presence known and got up walking to the compartment where all the food was. Everyone looked at me while Katniss rolled her eyes. "Want something to eat Wiren?" I nodded and sighed then sat next to Effie. she seemed like a nice person despite being loud..and sometimes annoying. She put a hand on my arm and whispered "Are you okay?" I just nodded and smiled at her. "I'm fine." I dug in to all the expensive foods we'd never have in our district and munched on some baked chicken looking out the window. All those people are expecting us to turn into the very fake capital people but still expecting a good fight. So a prissy fighter girl I suppose. Katniss would fit both if she worked hard enough. She's already the fighter. She just needs to add a hint of priss in there and she'll be perfect for what their looking for. I slept most of the ride to the Capital and yawned as someone was shaking me. "What? Hmm?" I opened my eyes and noticed it was Peeta. "Why are you waking me up?"

"We're here at the Capital Wiren."

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