"So, how was your day?" I ask Briella drowning out all the conversations around us.

"It was okay." She tells me, but I can feel her sadness.

"What's wrong Bri?" I prod her further.

"I am no longer friends with Joy."

"Why not?" I ask my mind already recalling the features of the little asian girl that is my daughter's seatmate.

"She said she likes Ken and I like Ken best."

"Briella..." I say looking around to see if Troy is listening. After that episode with Aoko's Tim, there are things I just can't risk. "Who is Ken?"

"Mum, You don't know Barbie's Ken?" Briella tells me and I breath out a sigh of relief.

"Sure sure, I know." I tell her while openning her work book to a new page.

"And when i told her no! She shoved me and called me ililitimate."

"Ili...what?" I ask scrunching my face in confusion.

"She said because dad and you did not have a wedding...that makes me ililitimate." I finally understand her and my jaw drops in horror.

"That was a very mean thing for her to say..."

"Yes...that is why i punched her and the teacher had to call Maggie to pick me up."

"What? Why am i hearing this now?" I ask horrified. Briella shrugs her shoulders at me and then i remember my day and the certain beef i now have with my little sister.

Briella stops her scribbling and turns to look at me."Mum...i want to go home."

"But you are home sweetheart."

"No...home. With daddy."

Understanding dawns on me and i heave out another sigh finally realising what it is that i must do.

"Don't worry. We will baby, we will."

"Shea!" My voice reverberates in the empty space that is Shea's bedroom and I move to check in the bathroom. I find her bent over the sink, a red liquid dripping from her hair and it stops me in my tracks as i start to stare.

"Shea...what are you doing?" I finally manage to whisper now that i am convinced that the girl is not bleeding out in my sink.

"What does it look like i am doing?"

"Shea..." I start but she cuts me off again.

"What are you doing with him?"

Understanding dawns on me and i shake my head in frustration.

"He is my daughter's father..."

"But he cheated on you. I saw the pictures..."

"Is that why you were tampering with my phone?" My sister's head rises up from the sink and i wince at the red drops dripping to the tiled floor.

"What happened to you? Has his money and gifts finally blinded you?"


"You were mad at him for years and now you are okay with this?"

"I assure you that he didn't do it!"

The girl shakes her head and returns to bend over the sink.

"I truly do not understand why you are mad, but please next time, don't leave my phone in aeroplane mode."

She still does not respond to me and i shake my head incredulously.

"Okay, i'll leave you to whatever it is you are doing now." With that i withdraw to my room to process everything that now happened to me. I first take out my tablet and process the numbers that David has just set me, I also approve the payments on the office renovations before leaning back on my pillows tiredly.

"Ah...what i would give for a massage now." I muse as i remember that i am yet to do my devotion and i reach for the bible that i keep on my bedside table.

"What now Lord, everything seems uphazard and i really need some order in my life. It's like a storm all around me."

I think as i flip through the pages. An idea flashes through my mind and i drop the leather bound book to take up my planner.

"Tour of the premises with the investors... and maybe i should finally spill my secret to mum and siz...Review of my assets at tge publishing house...I should also make a point to visit Bri's school...Review contracts with my lawyers...I should make time to talk to Dom, maybe take him out to dinner and the tour too..."

Armed with most of the answers to my problems, i reopen the bible and restart my devotion.

"Thank you God..."I smile as i start reading.

Black Coffee (Tara's Dream)|Dearest Diary, - Book 1 (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now