Chapter Fourteen.

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Dearest diary,

I quit my job. I know, I know. I said all that, but I can't be working all the time. I need time for family too and I feel like I've been neglecting Briella. Apart from our homework hour, I can't say that we spend that much time together and I don't want to be enstranged from my own daughter.

Okay, I am now rumbling, but you get the gist of what I am saying. I need more free time and working two jobs, no three jobs that I hardly have time for is not working. I can't give up writing and the company is my baby, so you know that was the obvious choice. I can still do some freelance consulting, but that's about it. No more bosses and no eight to five working hours.


I finish my diary entry and turn back to face my father.

"You do know you don't have to keep on doing that?" He says, pointing to the phone that I have laid back on my desk and I nod back at him. "You've come a long way from way from where you were several months ago and I feel like it's no longer necessary."

"I know, but I like keeping it. It helps be turn out my thoughts and look at my situation from a different angle." I tell him.

"Oh, I see. I was under the impression that you didn't like the idea of keeping the diary."

"Who told you that?" I ask, my mind going back to that time several months ago when he had been clueless about my apparent hate for diaries.

"Your cousin."

"Dom." I repeat as if to comfirm my earlier thoughts that someone must have informed him. "Anyway, what are you people doing here?" I ask, referring to my dad, mum, Shea and even Dom who just popped out of nowhere and on very short notice.

"Can't we drop by and visit you whenever we like?"

"No. There's always a reason with you people. I mean, even Dom? Mum and Shea I understand. They always feel this need to make my life miserable, but you and Dom, you are an entirely different matter. You even left your work right when business was booming!"

"Alright we may have an underlying reason, but seriously, have you ever thought about trying to reconcile with Troy's mum?"

"Who, Monica?"

"Yes! How many mother's does he have?"

"The one and only dad." I answer with a laugh. "And NO, I have NOT thought about it. Have you forgotten that that woman tried to sue your daughter?" I throw it back him, staring at him incredulously like he's grown an extra head or something.

"True, but she's family. There's no way you can get rid of that connection even if you tried." He tells me wisely.

"Okay... So what do you want?" I am being a little rude, but luckily for me my father seems to be on another path that is not necessarily leading to war.

"You, especially you and the family have been invited to Mr White's sixtieth birthday. I think you should consider going."

"And there it is! I knew there was a reason why you brought the entire clan with you."

"Attara..." my dad said with a frown. "Do not allow bitterness to cloud your inner judgement."

"Fine. I'll think about it, but I do not promise that I will go." I tell him rising up to my feet. "Right now I have a meeting and after that a wedding committee to attend.Imagine that, the father of the bride does not pay for the wedding here!"

My father laugh at my comment and shakes his head at me. "Okay, you go and have a blast, the rest of the family and I will remain and enjoy your amenities."

Black Coffee (Tara's Dream)|Dearest Diary, - Book 1 (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now