Chapter 12 - Laid Bare

Start from the beginning

He wanted to disagree but knew he could not. What she said was true but for an entirely different reason. Yet she had shown her vulnerability, perhaps it was time he let her glimpse some of his.

"After the mess at the Saturnalia three years past, I decided not to...complicate the situation with any more women. I figured if I was meant to have a bride I would eventually find her and know even without the vial. Even with Elion I knew it wasn't a match. It was liberating, to get that one deadline out of the way. But I learned one thing. That event hurt her more than it did me and I vowed I would not let any other woman go through that again. After the dukedom was passed, the crowds' eyes shifted to my marital state and I knew I cannot let any woman close without getting the crowds' and her hopes up. So I steered clear of all women."

"She must have meant a lot to you."

"She was a friend. Nothing more."

Her head snapped to him. "Do you mean..?"

Much to his chagrin, he flushed. "Yes. Rivas and I, we keep up the pretense just for fun. But early on.., let's just say our lessons on responsibility are very comprehensive. Under no circumstances can a Duke have an illegitimate child. A citizen will have settlement cases, a duke will lose a manor."

"It's official. You are a jerk."

"Pardon me? I tell you, my match, that I have never had any woman mean more to me than a friend and here you are telling me that I am a jerk?"

"You are. You got her hopes up. Then you let her down in front of the crowd."

He couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. He supposed all the alcohol was out of her system now.

"Thank you. I needed that." At her raised brow, he added, "Would you believe after three years you are the first to tell me off about it? I regret it every day," he sighed and looked away. He reached for her hand and felt her tense before she tried to hide it.

He raised her hand to his lips, his fingers closing over her thumb, and planted a warm, firm kiss over her knuckles.

"But I don't regret that my vial didn't break then," he continued, putting her hand over his shoulder and drawing her closer. He placed both hands on her back and rested his chin on her temple. She smelled heavenly.

"I don't know why you think you stink. But if you really do, I like it." she couldn't help the laughter that bubbled from her throat. He was good. She was defenseless and he was good.

"I like the way you frown and the way your eyes flash when you tell me no. Nobody has ever done that except my mother and I can't marry her." He started swaying with her, to a song she could't hear but could feel in her veins.

"Tell me Sir.." she broke off when he sighed loudly.

"We are barefoot in dirt and dancing to crickets. How long do you think before you can call me by name?" She leaned back to look up at him and she realized she really did want to.

"Tell me Rone," she saw his mouth curve up at his name. "If you only had friends before, how do you have all the words tonight?"


She gasped. "How does a teacher teach that?"

He laughed. "I like your imagination. But they gave it through home work. Novels, dear Cali." She gave a very perceptible squeak and jump.

"Hmm if you like them so much you can have them."

"Hmm if you offer them so enthusiastically maybe I will just to save them from you."

They both fell silent. The sky was getting darker, the stars brighter, and the heady scent of the lavenders was wrapping around them. Cai found that she rather liked this side of the Duke. Or maybe this was really him, when he wasn't The Duke. She felt him stop swaying and move back. When she looked at him he was holding a thin band of white gold with a glittering stone.

"Will you marry me?"

She frowned, confused. Did he have some ailment that made him forget things?

"I already said yes, Rone."

"Because I played all the wrong cards on you. Forget about them, all the wrong reasons. I want you to marry me for the right ones. Because the vial says we're a match, maybe. We can start with that. Because you think you can see us spending nights like this. Because you're the only woman who told me to take off my shoes with her. It may not be much but it's enough for me."

Then it suddenly dawned on Cai, everything that he was doing tonight. He was giving her the proper courtship, the proper engagement. He unknowingly uncovered her insecurities and assured her they were all unfounded. He was telling her he wanted it. And, the most meaningful of all, he was giving her a choice if she wanted it. She just might. And it was enough for her too.

"Will you marry me Cali?" he asked again.



A/N : Hi! Just to address a few concerns, a few days after meeting anybody, even a high-ranking public figure like, let's say a Duke, is barely enough to know if he/she is the right one. Which is why Rone counted the vial as one of the right reasons. Remember, they live in a time when marriage was completely dependent on the foolproof vial. And even then, their "whirlwind courtship" will still be the talk of the Manor, about the same way it would have been today.


PS: Tried a new cover. Not very good at it but I found an image I really like. Hope you do too.

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