“Yes, I want a big one.”

“Okay, let’s get started.”

“We will all gather sand. Let’s make a pile over here farther away from the shoreline, so that the water doesn’t reach it yet.” Emilio says.

They all gather a fairly large amount of sand and start building a base for the castle.

“Danny do like art?” Emilio asks.

“Yes, do you draw?”

“Yes, I do. It’s one of my hobbies.”

“Cool. Can you draw on the castle?” Danny asks.

“Yes, you can too once we build it. Let’s get started.”

They build the castle and once it’s built each of them takes a side of the castle to decorate as they want.

“Danny, so what other things do you like to do?” Elizabeth asks.

“I like to eat.”

Chuckling Emilio says, “we all like to eat. What’s your favorite food?”

“Ice cream.”

“Ice cream is dessert, Danny.” Elizabeth says.

“Yes, I know, but it’s my favorite and dad says it can be a meal if you want it to be.”

“Hmm, we should talk to your dad about his unhealthy eating habits.” Emilio says chuckling.

“He doesn’t let me eat it so often that’s why we don’t have it at home.”

“Makes sense, so what are some things you like doing with your dad?” Elizabeth asks.

“I like playing soccer each Saturday and also with Nate.”

“You like Nate a lot?” Elizabeth asks.

“Yes, he’s very nice and makes my dad very happy.”

He sure is a good kid. Other kids might not like their parent’s partner or even see the difference in moods in their parents behavior. Emilio thinks.

Hmm, next time we should visit them. It would be nice to know where they live and where Danny is growing up. Elizabeth thinks.

“He takes care of my dad. He planned my dad’s birthday party and he made sure to have my aunt there and uncles.”

“You have an aunt and uncles?” Elizabeth asks.

“Yes, well they’re my dad’s best friends, aunt Karla, uncle Robert and Eric, and aunt Sandra. Uncle Robert is funny and aunt Karla is like my mom.”

“You love them all. Do you see them often?”

“Yes. They visit often.”

“That’s nice. You have us now too and we’ll visit you too.” Elizabeth says.

“Let’s finish drawing what we want.” Emilio says.

Once they’re done with each wall, Elizabeth says they should go find Seth and Nate, so that they may come see the castle and go eat. Emilio chooses to stay behind while Elizabeth and Danny go in the direction they saw Seth and Nate take.


Hand in hand Seth and Nate walk along the beach near the water.

“He really handles things so easily.” Nate comments.

“Yes, he does.”

“Do you think he’ll be the same if Scarlett indeed is his mother?”

It is the first time Nate is bringing it up, since they have arrived to the assumption.

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