Road trip

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Raritys pov:

It was 7.30 and I was late getting to sweet apple acres "You had to refuse to get up didn't you aj" She grumbled next to me "You work on a farm surly early mornings are something your used to" She rubbed her temples and looked at me "Rarity, yes Ah get up early on the farm, but that's because Ah gotta lot of chores ta do, this is ma time off Ah should be able to sleep in" I looked over at her "You had things to do this morning now I'm going to have to deal with rainbow dash" She grinned slightly "True, you will, But seeing as we are already late, How about we be a bit later? She leant over to me kissing my neck and jawline, It took a lot of self control to push her off "Nope, No, I refuse to be any later" She smirked before leaning back. "Fine be like that" She looked at me and pouted which I could never resist. We were in the back of my limo and I had luckily remembered to shut the privacy screen, The windows were blacked out so I could see out but no one could see in I looked at aj who was still pouting "I do the most unladylike things when I'm with you aj" She smirked and came over before laying me back on the seat kissing me. Just as things started to heat up we heard the limo door open. We both looked round to see a rather pissed off looking rainbow dash. "You girls are so late we have been here ages, Wheres the transport?" I quickly pushed aj off of me "Its here darling, were taking the limo" Rainbow dash called everyone over, Guys transports here lets go. Everyone climbed in and rainbow shut the door, I opened the privacy screen and told tom where we were going before I shut it again. On our way there we were all engaging in conversation.


aj) "So is this trip gonna be long?"

rd) "No idea"

ss) "We are definately going to get this deal"

ts) "I hope you do"

fs) "not to worry twilight, dashies got this, But so help me god if spitfire tries anything"

pp) "I would think rarity would be more worried, Were meeting rara to"

sg) "Aj, loves rarity she wont do anything, you knowm unless shes hot"

I looked at aj after starlights comment waiting for her to say something.

aj) "well I got all the hotness I need, But ya never know"

she winked at me so I knew she was kidding but Her comment still got her a hit from both me and fluttershy while rainbow dash and everyone else laughed.

aj) "ouch, What was that for?"

rd) "Did you not learn your lesson?"

(end of convo)

aj shook her head and leaned over whispering something to rainbow, Rainbow was blushing badly and winked at aj, And given the twos past history together, and knowing the two still had some kind of wierd sexual tension with eachother, made both me and fluttershy immediately cautious. I was sitting sidewards on the seat with my legs over aj but I soon moved them seeing how close aj and rainbow had got. I sat up and pulled aj towards me so her back was leaning against my chest I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her close to me with a protective hold. Fluttershy was similer with rainbow dash but instead sitting on her lap in the back of the limo and putting her arms around her waist. Both applejack and rainbow were confused as to why we had done it but the raised eyebrow from me and the angry eyes from fluttershy they knew better than to question us. The trip felt like it had lasted forever and by the time we made it to applewood it was night time, we had made a few stops on the way here mainly so pinkie pie could get  snacks, before The limo stopped outside the hotel. Dropping us all off, I asked tom if he had somewhere to stay. He smiled saying that he had booked a hotel a few blocks over. I smiled at him and tipped him before heading inside with eveyone to check into our rooms, Once we had checked in we all went upstairs and entered our rooms, Me and applejack had the first room, starlight and sunset had the second room, pinkie and twilight had the third room, and rainbow and fluttershy had the last room. Once we were settled  a bell boy bought all our stuff upstair and dropped it off in our rooms. we each tipped him before unpacking our things. I Had finished unpacking mine and ajs stuff as the first thing she did when she got to the hotel was put on the game console she bought with her. I loved aj but she was quite practical she liked simplicity, she wasnt lazy but she wasnt exactly helpful either. I walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed next to aj, She was so into her game that she hadnt even noticed me there. It wound me up sometimes because  when she was gaming she didnt pay as much attention to me, I stood up and walked infront of aj sitting on her lap facing her and all she did was wrap her hands round my waist and continue with her game. I sighed getting frustrated with her, I wanted to finish off what was started in the limo but aj preferred to waste her time flicking buttons instead of me. I stood up and walked out the room before bumping into rainbow dash who had let herself in "Erhm rainbow this isn't your room" she looked at me shrugging "You know I never know what aj saw in you" She walked pass me to aj before grabbing a remote next to her and gaming with her. I was surprised with rainbows comment so I walked back into the room unplugging the game. "What the fuck was that comment about rainbow?" She looked at me confused "What do you mean?" my face was bright red "You know the whole, I don't know what aj sees in you comment" Both her and aj laughed before aj spoke "Babe chill, she meant because you don't like gaming nothing else" My face was even more red right now but primarily out of embarrassment "Well not funny" I dropped the plug and walked out "I'm going to see fluttershy to see if she has any diffrent scented body wash  hate the smell of this one". Aj walked over and kissed me "See ya later baby" she then went back to gaming with rainbow dash.

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