She came looking for me?

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Raritys pov:

I was waiting to hear what fluttershy had to say but wasn't expecting what followed "I'm back with rainbow dash" my mouth dropped  "Oh, When and how did that happen?" She was beaming now she looked so happy, unfortunately I had forgotten what that felt like  "It happened a few weeks after you left, Applejack had left rainbow because she felt bad about what she did to you, she even went to your house to find you but your cleaner told her you had moved. Applejack was heart broken she didn't come out her house for weeks she just worked and slept, everyone got so worried about her, Luckily sunset managed to convince her to come out and it took a while but we finally got our old aj back. Anyway after applejack had left rainbow, rainbow realized that she didn't love applejack like she thought she did, It turns out she had always loved me, she just wasn't sure at the time. So she came back to me and explained everything, I was to heartbroken to take her back at the time but she promised she would wait for me and she did, so a couple of months after, we got back together and things have been great since, shes even started kissing me and being affectionate to me in public" I didn't know how to feel about what I had heard. "Applejack came looking for me?" Fluttershy was still smiling "Yeah, she wanted to get back with you, she tried calling you but your number had been changed" I looked down "That was my mothers fault" Fluttershy gave me a sympathetic smile "I'm sorry you had to leave rarity, we all missed you so much, Expecially applejack" I was about to answer fluttershy when a familliar accent was heard behind me but it sounded thicker and clearer "Heyya rarity, do ya mind a chat with a ol' friend?" I felt my heart beat speed up expecially because her hand was on the bottom of my back, and that damn accent, It always managed to make me melt. Fluttershy smiled at applejack before walking pass me to rainbow dash. I took a deep breath before turning around "Why hello applejack of course I dont mind a chat, How have you been dear?" Her smile was now huge "ave been better rarity and ah hope this aint to much for me ta say but ive missed ya,  Ah know we ended on bad terms but ah hope that we can be friends or that ya can atleast forgive me?" She was now standing infront of me her hat covering her heart 'how cute' I thought before answering her "Of course darling, no hard feelings we were young" She flashed me a winning smile before placing her hat back on her head nodding and turning around walking off. I couldnt take my eyes off of her, with what I had heard from fluttershy to the way I was feeling right now it was obvious that I was still very much in love with applejack. My thoughts were interrupted by starlight coming up behind me "hey rarity, I can see you eying up applejack" My face turned red "I have no idea what you are getting at darling, Eyeing another female up is not very proper of me" She looked at me kind of angry and kind of concerned "Rarity, I know you've been gone for a while and a lot has changed but your not surrounded by all the high class people now, And incase you forgot pretty much all of your friends here are gay or bi, So you may want to refrain from saying that its not proper to like another girl that could upset a lot of people" She turned around and walked off, she was right I was no longer surrounded by people who I needed the approval of, I was surrounded by people who liked me for me. Its just I was now so used to being the proper young lady that my parents wanted. I decided to just ignore starlight and walked over to pinkie and twilight "Hello girls how have you been?" they both smiled at me "Weve been great, how have you been?" I looked down "I have been good thank you for asking, A lot has changed though" They both nodded in agreement "Yeah, sunset and starlight are engaged now and we all have our own businesses its amazing what a few years can do" I was in a conversation with them both before rainbow walked over whispering something to pinkie. Pinkie Stood up and excused herself leaving me alone with twilight "What was all that about?" Twilight grinned before grabbing my hand and walking me over near the stage where starlight and fluttershy were already seated? "Whats all this about?" Starlight looked over to me "Remember when we used to watch the girls perform in college?" I nodded "well we still watch them perform somethimes when they have the chance, so we decided what better time to watch them perform than at your welcome back party" I smiled at the memories. "Sounds perfect darling" me and twilight sat down and got ready to watch them perform. Pinkie came out on stage and stood by the microphone to make the introduction "Ladies I would like to introduce to you, The rainbooms. We have, Applejack on bass, rainbow on electric guitar, Sunset on the air guitar and yours truly which is me, on the drums. The first song that will be performed is written by sunset and pinkie, please enjoy.


My chic shes a little bit punk rock, cant stand when I'm listening to hip hop, she prefers white snake over drake, but I make her listen to it anyway. She gets mad coz I'm always on my iPhone her blackberry cant barely get a signal, shes on time while I'm always running late. Guess shes gonna have to wait.


Thinking im in way over my head, She says left and I say right, yeah says yes and I just might, I go up and she goes down, yeah I say something she freaks out, I swear shes out to get me shes horror movie crazy, and, I'm telling you she hates me shes unlike any other but man I think I love her. 


My chics shes a little bit psycho to bad I'm American Idol, shes always hiding the remote from me, sucks for her that its my tv, shes in my face whenever I'm driving I know where I'm going


I know your lying.


my girlfriend talks to much, she never shuts up.


Once the girls had finished there song, we were all clapping and cheering. I had strangly enjoyed it. I know its what I listened to when I was younger but when I moved It felt like It had changed me. The new me couldn't possibly still have traits of the old me to much had changed Right? 

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