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Raritys pov:

Me and aj were unpacking the rest of my stuff, It wasn't taking to long because aj was a quick worker, which didn't surprise me considering she worked and lived on a farm. I decided that a break was in order so I left aj in the living room putting up a shelf. When my mother moved me a few years ago she continued to pay for it for when I returned, She knew I would come back even if she didn't agree, I remember her exact words for why she continued to pay.


"I would rather continue to pay for your house, than have you move back there and live in a motel or sleep round your ghastly friends houses, so unhygienic"

"My friends aren't ghastly mother"

"Well they are to me young lady, prancing round, going out with other females, I'm just glad your home before you fall even further into those habits"

"There not habits mother, there in love leave them to it"

"love, yeah right"

"You loved father right mother?"

"Your father was a business man, our marriage was arranged by our parents, love had nothing to do with it. And when you are finally old enough me and your father shall arrange your marriage as well"

"No mother"

"You have no choice"

(end flashback)

while I had been thinking about the argument between me and my mother, I hadn't realized applejack had entered "Hey, rarity" She made me jump as I forgot She was here, She must have noticed because she walked over to me looking worried "Ah didn't mean ta scare ya, what was goin on in that beautiful mind?" I quickly explained "Oh darling nothing, I forgot you was here that's all" "Oh, alright sugar cube" I walked over to the kettle and put it on before offering aj a drink "A coffee would be nice about now thanks" I got a cup out and poured in her coffee "A lot has changed, darling but I'm guessing that you still have your coffees the same, am I correct?" I looked over at her for a reply "Yea, Still the same, that hasn't changed" I poured us both a drink before sitting over with aj engaging in a light conversation."So darling, hows work going?" She was surprised that I was interested in her work at all "Not to bad thank you, we jus planted another 20 trees in the west orchard so we can increase our product. That took a while. Income is pretty good lately as we have branched our business out a bit, Ma brother now lives in appleoosa with my cousins so we joined there businesses and we now have worldwide products ranging from pastries to vegetables, Its a lot of work but its definitely worth it" I was impressed with how popular her farm and business had become "Wow, applejack that sounds impressive" She smiled widely before returning the question "How about you? what do ya do now, last time we spoke ya were apprenticing under some big time fashion model?" I had forgotten how comfortable I felt with applejack, At first things were awkward but now they seemed easier. I knew sooner or later that I would have to confess I still loved her but I needed more time so until then I was going to keep things casual "Well darling I didn't get a chance to finish my apprenticeship on the account of certain, events shall we say" Applejack looked down knowing exactly what those events were "However when my mother moved me I was home tutored in business, Once I had passed I opened my first boutique in mainhatten and became a semi famous designer. I then travelled to canterlot and opened a boutique there as well and business was extremely good. After that I decided to see if I could manage a boutique here, I luckily found the perfect place online and bought it out right and it is being prepared and decorated as we speak" I had finished telling her about my business and she was smiling proudly at me "That's ma girl, Ah knew you'd make it" I felt my heart speed up hearing her say that I was her girl even though it wasn't true. I looked outside and saw it was getting late "Its getting quite dark aj, are you going to be alright getting back to the farm tonight?" She nodded at me "Yea sugar cube it will be no problem ah know my way in the dark" I didn't like the idea of applejack walking in the dark on her own to her farm "Are you sure, I don't mind accompanying you" this time she shook her head "Nah, Its okay ya don't need to do that, I would like to know your safe at home" I always found it cute when applejack was protective "Well at least let me, get my chauffer to drive you home?" She was now giggling at me "Rarity, ah said I'll be fine, stop worryin" I couldn't help but want to protect applejack so I refused to let her walk home "Applejack darling, I will not stop worrying about a dear friend, please at least allow me to help?" She was still adamant she was walking so I decided to take a risk, I stood up and walked out the room followed by applejack, I went over to my front door and locked it in front of applejack "If you will not let me walk you, and you will not let me get tom to drive you, then you shall stay here with me tonight" She looked at me as if it was a challenge before pulling her hat further down her head and tossing it back revealing a cheeky grin "Miss rarity belle, are ya refusing to let me leave ya home" I looked at her before mirroring her face with my own smirk "I guess I am miss smith" She visually cringed at the use of her last name "ya really had to use ma last name sugar cube?" I was laughing now because I remembered how much she hated it "Yes" She bolted towards me smiling before picking me up and throwing me over her shoulder "APPLEJACK PUT ME DOWN! I MEAN IT, I'M NOT PLAYING. APPLEJACK!!" She put me down in the living room and started laughing "Well ya didn't want me to leave but.." She was now standing in front of me holding up the keys "I got ya keys" I went to grab the keys before she held them up so I couldn't reach them giggling, I tried to reach them again "Applejack not funny give me the keys" she was still holding them up smiling so I took her hat and ran off with it, She immediately dropped the keys before chasing me. I ran up the stairs and into my room closely followed by aj I ran to my bed and put her hat on before turning an facing her I then just stood there smiling at her. She was smiling now but there was a look in her eyes I hadn't seen since I had last been with her. she walked over to me before putting her hand under my chin "Ma hat suits ya, sugar cube" I looked in her eyes and the look she was giving me was so intense I felt like I couldn't move. I kept looking at her face unable to look away, she then lowered her head and kissed me, I was powerless to stop it so I just let it happen. When she finally pulled away for air I didn't know how to respond I was completely breathless, and not just from the running. I reached up to Applejacks face before she pulled away "Ahm so sorry rarity, Ah didn't mean to kiss ya.. its just" I cut her sentence off by kissing her "Its okay darling, We all need a bit of familiarity sometimes"

rarijack: raritys returnWhere stories live. Discover now