
"Yes well. Shall we go?" he motioned towards the entrance.

Ruth and I nodded in agreement, after getting my three suitcases. We went towards the parking lot and to a family SUV. Go figures.

Once I got into the back seat I felt awkward. I believed the couple in the front felt exactly the same way.

"So Scar..." Ruth brought me out of my thoughts "What did you do for fun in Chicago?"

Not looking her direction, I stared out the window as I answered. "Painted."

"Oh? You like painting? Well I think we have some brushes we can lend you!"

Furrowing my eyebrows it took me awhile to realize what she meant.

"You think I meant canvas art?" letting out a laugh it was their turn to be confused "No. No. I meant like spray painting, I'm really good with spray cans. I painted over twenty statues and walls back in Chicago."

"Isn't that vandalism?"

"It is if you get caught." I smirked.

The look of bewilderment that crossed their features was enough to know that Peter and Billy probably didn't tell them much.

"But I'm good at sketching too." I shrugged "Half the tattoos I have I sketched, then my friend Trevor would ink it on."

Since I had been seeing them through the rear view mirror, Ruth turned her body and faced me, James kept his eyes forward but still looked taken back at the new information.

Staring at me with curiosity. Ruth looked up and down at my arms, my hands were crossed over my chest in a lazy manner, I suddenly felt a bit self conscious, I hated being under the spotlight. It was like she was analyzing every inch of my body trying to find something.

"Did the ones here hurt?" she pointed to herself, her fingers motioning across her collarbones and chest.

"Yeah, but that's pain. It's suppose to hurt. Pain shouldn't shut you down. It should wake you up." I told her indirectly quoting a book I read last week.

She nodded in agreement settling back into her seat. The rest of the ride was silent, I had put on my headphones and blocked out their voices when they started discussing something about work between them. I still had yet to know what they did for jobs but I wasn't eager to find out.

After what seemed like an hour ,we pulled up into a driveway that led to a large garage door. But that wasn't what I was staring at.

This is not a house.

In front of me was a fucking mansion. It's grey bricks leading to a flat roof. Many parts of the house seemed to be made of glass walls and tall windows. The front yard was so big I could only imagine how the backyard was. These people were obviously wealthy and I stuck out like a sore thumb with my scruffy boots and ripped up shirt that I had made.

It was only the middle of October, meaning the weather was only warm and a tad humid. The smell of fresh cut grass and new earth lingered in the air, I could feel the humidity and judging by the different kind of flowers scattered everywhere in perfect condition I knew they had a gardener.

Taking off my beats for my neck I stuffed them in my bag. James and Ruth were watching me with anxious looks I guess worrying that I wouldn't like it here.

"Nice yard." I raised my eyebrows.

"Thank you." Ruth gushed.

Minutes ticked by and I gave them a look.

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