Leia sensed some of what is going through the young Jedi's mind. She picked up his name like a faint echo in a cave. Leia's eyes lifted in a small hope of something good to come out of the girl.

That's when Rey realized she didn't have to say anything at all.


Once they were gathered privately in Rey's room, she went right to the point. "I think I can convince him to turn back to the light."

Then, that small hope felt as it if was blown away once again. "Rey," Leia said, exhaustion filling her voice. "I've already come to terms that. . ." Leia shut her eyes for a moment. ". . .my son is dead."

Rey instantly denied, "No, he's not."

Leia's eyes dropped in despair. "The man who was my son is no more."

Rey's mouth fell agape, realizing how bad it had gotten if Leia had given up all hope for her son. Now, it was definitely up to her to not only convince Ben, but Leia was well that he can turn. "Like your father was before Luke helped him turned."

Leia's eyes widened in surprise. Is her family drama that well-known that it's heard across the galaxy? Or maybe Luke told her? Did he? He probably would just to make their situation more dramatic that way. Just thinking if that as a very high possibility, it didn't surprise her.

Rey locked eyes with the General, hope burning bright inside of them. "There's still light in him," she told her with every fiber of her being, "I've seen it for myself."

Leia was still stuck in awe. She was speechless of how much hope and faith Rey had in her son. But how can she—a stranger to her son—be so sure of the goodness in him more than his own mother.

Leia finally asked the girl, "How?"

"I've talked to him last night. He mentioned—"

Leia's face turned from awe to pure shock. "You what?" she gasped.

Rey's brows rose and her eyes widened. It sounded a lot better in my head. "I-I mean—"

"How did you talk to him?"

Rey's fingers started shaking at her sides. She brought them together and began to fiddle with them so the general wouldn't see how intimidated she was by the one question she's afraid to ever have to answer. "Uh, well. . ."

Then it seemed, Leia caught on for herself. "You're both connected by the Force," she said, almost sounding as a question.

Rey was surprised that she figured it out, especially that quick. She was still unsure if she should talk about it—almost as if she wanted to keep it secret. To keep it between her and Ben.

But also, Rey didn't want to cross that boundary. Whatever was between them, they never really addressed about it. They never even fully came to its terms. Well, sometimes Ben might be all focused on the features of this face-to-face thing but she never really questioned it herself.

But, Leia wasn't just someone. She was his mother. If anyone can help her understand about this bond and Ben, she may be just that. And sadly, she may be the last person to help her, in fact.

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