Epilogue- Sugar: Happily Ever Afters are overrated.

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I sit on the edge of the bed, my legs dangling and even though I try to block the memory, my mind drags me back to the day when it all went to shit.

9 months ago.

Sugar has her hand wrapped smugly around mine as we watch Ariana escape into the woods.

A tear rolls down my mate's cheeks and I pull her even closer to me. I know she thinks that Ariana is doing the wrong thing by leaving her son behind, but I know better.

An absentee parent is much better than one who will grieve forever.

The Oracle walks up to us, and I am glad that Dad made everyone leave the cemetery but us. She makes me feel antsy and I definitely don't want my pack members to feel the same.

"She'll finally get some relief, that one" The Oracle, who Dad revealed is actually one of my ancestral grandmother's (i.e. one of the previous Luna of the Ash Moon Pack) sister.

"You don't get to say that when you are the one who ruined her life!" My mate growls at her and the Oracle merely smiles displaying her rotting teeth. Why the fuck am I related to her?! First Ed and now she! MOON!

"I don't ruin people's lives Delilah" The old woman tells my mate snootily and I know my mate is seconds away from drinking the life out of the old hag's throat. Under other circumstances, I wouldn't have stopped her, but Dad told me that I need to hear what the old hag has to say to me. It will be 'life altering' for us, according to my Dad.

"Being angry that you cannot choose family will not help you any, dear boy" The old woman directs her obsidian eyes to me and gives me a mocking look.

"Now that we've watched the dragon abandon her child, can we all go back and sit somewhere so that I can recite the prophecy I am here for and get out of here?" The old woman rubs her palms and gives us a look.

I take cue from my mate and start walking after her as we go to sit on one of the seats of the cemetery.

"Not my favourite place to recite a prophecy, but I'll make do" The old woman wrinkles her nose and then giving me an almost loving smile, says, "We are family after all"

I growl and only my mate whose hand is on me keeps me from ending her life for being so damn rude to us in my mate's condition.

"Can we start already? I am dog-tired" My mate sighs and I know she is more anxious to go see Sebastian's son than anything, but I don't call her out on it.

My mate has a soft spot for him, and I know she doesn't want him to go back to Spain but that cannot happen.

"You may sit on the ground Ulysses, and you may sit on the bench beside me, Delilah" The old woman orders and I bristle.

"We'd both rather stand" My Mate snarls and I put a hand at the small of her back to keep her calm. She may not look like it, but even I know that even the two of us cannot take on the old woman.

"I didn't ask what you'd both rather do, Delilah. I told you what I want you to do" She gives us a smile. "Now, you might want to sit without further back answering me. The sun is going to set soon, and even I am not bold enough to recite prophecies under the Moon anymore"

Before my mate can say anything, I motion for her to sit on the bench and then sit down, laying my head against my mate's legs and sitting crossway so that I look casual and not as tense as I feel.

"I'll start with a brief history lesson, of you two don't mind" The old lady says and without waiting for us to say anything, starts speaking, "When my sister was mated to Ash Moon pack's Alpha, the old Oracle died and, somehow she left me as the follow up"

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