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He pushed me up against the wall. I let him, I liked it, wanted it.

I ran my hands through his hair, down his back, finally under his shirt. I kissed him, deeply, but there was no passion behind it, just plain lust.

"Skylar, what if Bastian finds out..." he mumbled between kisses.

"Who cares.." 

We continued on. Nobody would see us or interrupt, thank God, because I was cheating on my tenth boyfriend this year, Bastian. He was hot, but so was this guy. Huh, I didn't even remember his name! Let's just call him...Bob then.

As Bob pushed me down into the bed and began unzipping my dress, there was a knock on the door. We both froze. Bleep. What if we were  discovered! 

"Occupado." Bob called out.

"Good job, bro!" an idiot exclaimed from outside the door.

His kisses tasted like beer, Bud Light to be exact. Someone had brought a keg, we all obliged. Where was I again? Oh right! The party at the Jamison's house. Keaton Jamison's parents were out of town, translation, party. Bob lifted my dress off and began to undo my bra. He threw it off to the side of the bed and got busy. I was so drunk, I was forgetting everything. I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to a bright and sunny morning, Bob nowhere to be seen.

"Where the bleep am I?" I whispered.

"Bleep? What are you a five year old, Skylar?" a voice said.

"I don't cuss! What is it, a crime?!"

"No, I guess not." he chuckled.

I rolled out of bed, then remembered that.....I was naked. I screeched and got back into the bed as quick as lightening.

"Why'd you screw around with that guy?"

"Who, Bob?" I said as I began massaging my temples.

Talk about a hangover. 

"His name is Jack...but close enough. Is he really better than me?"

My eyes grew wide as I realized that this was Bastian. I hadn't even looked at the person I was talking to. Oh, bleep. I looked up and sitting there was my boyfriend. I stared into his green eyes. I noticed his sleep rumpled clothes and thick brown hair.

"Bastian I,-"

"Is he better?" he cut me off.

"No, it's just that-"

"I can't give you what you want? Is that it? I won't have sex with you? Is that it! Skylar, God damn it! I do this for your own good! You don't think I want it too? Everytime you try to get in my pants, I have to stop you. And it's hard to disappoint you, because, because...I love you."

He loves me. Sure, and so do my other nine past boyfriends. Ha! He'll get over it.

"I, I don't want to be in a relationship, Bastian."

"Why, because I don't take advantage of you."

"No, it's just..."

I finished putting on my clothes and started towards the door. 

"Bastian, we're, we're done."

"No, shit Skylar! You cheated on me with some dick head!"

"Bye Bastian."

I raced from the room, down the stairs, and right out the Jamison's front door. Lucky for me, my car was still parked in their driveway. I got in the car and began driving home. I was in so much beeping trouble when I got home. 

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