I'll Leave The Door Unlocked

Start from the beginning

"Right, the basics," Foggy began. "Felicia Hardy. Twenty. Born in Queens. Currently a freshman at Empire State."

"A freshman?" Matt questioned.

"Yeah, seems a little older than normal," Foggy agreed. "Oh, wait, looks like she's only just re-enrolled. She actually started University two years ago, before dropping out in her first semester."

The sound of more rustling paper filled the room.

"Here we go. Oh, man, this says that she was raped," Foggy near groaned. "By her boyfriend no less. The dude was killed in a car crash before he could be brought to trial. Other than that, her file's clean."

"Any known associates?" Matt asked, wanting to cover all bases.

"Let's see," Foggy mused. "Just the one – her father, Walter Hardy. He's a world class cat burglar, currently serving time upstate."

The door opening interrupted any further exchange of information.

Matt's head shifted as he used his extraordinary senses to get an idea of who had entered. The police officer he dismissed immediately. No, it was the girl he focused on. Her tread was light and he assumed that her clothes were form-fitting as he couldn't detect any hint of their movement as she walked. In fact, the only real sound that she gave off was the slight swish of her hair, obviously long. And there was a hint of perfume on her, a flowery scent that he was unfamiliar with.

"You two are my lawyers?" the girl, Felicia, asked as she took the seat opposite them.

"We are; assuming that we agree to take your case," Matt said, taking the lead. "My name is Matthew Murdock, this is my partner, Foggy Nelson. We're told that you've been charged with murder."

"I didn't do it! I didn't kill anyone!" Felicia stated forcefully, by the sound of it leaning forward in her intensity.

Matt cocked his head slightly as he listened to her heartrate and breathing.

"Why don't you tell us what happened, Miss Hardy," he said.

"I'll admit, I wasn't supposed to be there," Felicia began.

"The apartment of one James Broadshaw," Foggy supplied. "Just why were you there, Miss Hardy?"

"James used to date one of my friends," she replied. "My friend never got all of her stuff back from him, some of it was important to her and she was getting more and more upset. So, I decided to do something about it."


"But he was already dead when I got there," she continued, her voice cracking with emotion on every other word. "He was just lying there; a knife sticking out of his chest and there was blood everywhere and his eyes ... he was just staring, staring up at nothing, you know?"


"I went to check on him, to see if he still had a pulse or something and that's when the police busted in and arrested me," she finished.


"I don't believe that you're telling us everything," Matt stated. "But I do believe that you didn't kill Mister Broadshaw. We'll take your case, but I must warn you that it'll go a lot easier if you trust us with telling us everything that you know."

"You believe me?" Felicia asked, hope filling her question. "You'll defend me?"

"We will," Foggy assured her. "Just sit tight and we'll see what we can do about arranging for bail and getting you out of here."

"Thank you," Felicia said.

After the two men had left the room, Foggy leaned in towards his partner.

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