🔅Chapter Four::Chunky:: 🔅

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No one's pov

"Steve Borden more commonly known as Sting have been found dead in his house. When his neighbor went to visit him, she got no response and upon opening the door she was met with the surprise of her life. Sting dead on the floor with multiple stab wounds and a knife inches away from his hand. Police reports the death was caused by stab wounds. It is said that he may have committed suicide. The police are still looking into his death. Sting has been hiding out for a while now, so it is really shocking he committed suicide, maybe he got tired or whatever the cost, we wish his family, friends and anyone who may have known Steve our best wishes. He was a guy everyone knew."

The news reporter said over the television. Brie laid in her bed, smirking, she is surprised that they covered up his actual death. Maybe for the sake of not scaring the locals. Brie chuckled and turned off the tv, that was the only reason as to why it was on, she wanted to see how they would have claimed he died.

Randy and Cody on the other hand wasn't so pleased. Their mouths hung open, upon hearing the broadcast, they knew it wasn't suicide. After they left Sting, he wasn't giving any sort of suicidal vibes. He was actually pretty concerned for his life. Why would someone go through all of that not to be found and killed, only to kill themselves afterwards? The reason is that they didn't kill theirselves, someone else did.

"Bullshit report!" Cody shouted, uproared by the lies showed on the television screen. Randy blinked, looking at his brother, at a loss for words, trying to think up something.

"Got it!" Randy declared. Cody was curious as to what he meant. He was angry at the lies and confused by not knowing the truth. So he wants to know what in hell his foster brother 'got'. Before he could ask, Randy informed him. "I'll call Del Rio, he was the one who got us into this mess anyway." Cody wanted to slap himself for not thinking about it but also wanted to hug Randy for thinking about it.

Randy pulled out his phone as he called the policeman's number, him and Cody exchanging looks of hurry, wanting nothing more than for Del Rio to hurry up and pick up.

"Hel-" Del Rio started but got cut off by Cody who instantly jumped at him when he heard his voice, standing next to Randy with the phone on speaker.

"What the hell actually happened with Sting?" Cody asked, having no time to exchange greetings.

"And you best not bullshit us." Randy jumped in siding with his brother, ready to hear what really happened.

Del Rio, covering his face as he walked away from the other police officers who are still at the scene of Sting's home. They are looking for evidence and clues, fingerprints, anything. "Look, I can't tell you guys." He whispered into the phone, telling the hunters.

Randy and Cody looked at each other, upset and stunned, clearly not taking that for an answer.

"What the hell do you mean you can't fucking tell us! You were the one who brought us into this mess in the first place!" Randy shouted, frustrated with his friend on the other line.

Alberto sighed knowing he is right. It's just that he is surrounded and the force doesn't know he brought them here. He called them in so when they discovered who it is, he can turn them in and get that bonus. "Look, it is confidential. I'm sor-" he huffed when his apologies got cut short.

"Listen, it wasn't confidential when you spill everything about that wolf to us. It wasn't confidential when you gave us a reason to come here. It wasn't confidential when you showed us all the files of the bodies that creature killed. So it is still not confidential now. Tell us what the hell happened or you won't see that bonus, shit we might even get you fired." Cody threatened and Randy looked at him impressed, he is usually the one doing the threatening.

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