Chapter 8 - Part 2

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SOREN WAS adjusting Dael's saddle when a brusque chorus of "Your Highness" erupted behind him. He instantly turned and found several soldiers of swathing green tunics kneeling on one knee in front of him. The other soldiers regarded the scene with confused stares.

Too stunned to react, Soren took a step back and gawped. He didn't notice Farlan stepping beside him, Raffe sitting confidently atop the creature. He cast an inquisitive look towards Soren who shook his head vehemently.

The faie silently leaned to his left and asked Raffe in a hushed tone, not wanting to offend the soldiers who were clearly unfazed by Soren's shocked reaction, "What's happening?"

Raffe was silent for a second, noticeably thinking about something.

A figure rose from the kneeling lot and stepped forward. Soren recognized him as Raffe's cousin, the one who was bitten by a Lanayan bee. The man was evidently free from numbness and fever, Soren thanked her goddess Aia for guiding him in making the remedy last night. He was a little disconcerted, however, when the man suddenly placed his right hand over his heart and bowed to the waist in front of Soren. Your Highness, I express my deepest gratitude for the remedy you crafted for me last night. I am Rihan, captain of the Hemlock unit. It would be an esteemed privilege if you'd accept my heartfelt appreciation and extend the opportunity for my unit to serve you throughout this journey and upon our return."

Soren gaped, barely suppressing his desire to take a sharp intake of breath.

"Wh... What?" he stuttered, feeling stupid. "I don't think—"

Raffe was silently snickering beside him and Soren turned to look at him and glared. However, the prince's gaze stayed with his cousin and regarded him with quiet amusement.

"Being true to your words, Rihan?"

The man looked up and grinned at him. "Aye, my prince."

Soren shook his head, lost in the conversation, until Raffe leaned down and muttered, "I believed you just earned yourself a whole unit of soldiers to do whatever you bid, nitwit."

With furrowed eyebrows, Soren whispered back, "Why are they doing that?"

Raffe chuckled again, the sound resounding in Soren's ears, sending an unexpected electrifying maelstrom to his nerves. "Because Hemlock's captain is a pain in the ass especially when he's not being useful, and thanks to you he can be his usual busybody self again."

Soren was still confused and Raffe gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "He's not going to leave that spot, neither is his unit if you don't give them your consent. And believe me, he's one stubborn prick."

Soren, devoid of any counterargument, nodded silently, desperate to flee the awkward situation. He was immensely relieved when the man beamed, offered a curtsy once more, and departed with his entire unit to prepare their horses.

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