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I didnt want to leave my room. I was to scared to even go out and meet everyone. I wasn't ready yet. I just don't understand why they want me to stay here with them, maybe it's just an act so they can stab me behind my back once I trust them. "Why would we?" Slender asked. I screamed and fell of the bed, again. "You really need to stop that." I said. "Sorry, I was just checking on you. But we wouldn't dare to hurt you." He said. "Why is that?" I asked. "Because I saved you child. You are family." He answered. My family.. Oh my god! "Wait what about my parents?!" I panic. He tried to calm me down. "We will get to that later. But now you must meet someother pastas." He said. I started shaking. More killers. We teleported right out of the room into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast.

They all stopped and looked at me. "Everyone this is (F/n) I found her in the woods and rescued her. Be nice and do not kill her." Slender said. Something tugged on my shirt, I looked down and saw a little girl. "Do you wanna play with me?" She asked. "I don't think she wants to." Clockwork said as she walked over to us."Hey." She said. "Hi." I said back. "You guys go get eating I have some things to do." Slender said. After he left I met the pastas. They all act like siblings and are pretty nice.

I felt something weird behind me. O turned back and saw a dark version of Link behind me. But it wasn't BEN. "How many evil Links are there?" I asked as I back away. "You smell nice." He said as he licked his lips. I backed up until I bumped into someone. I turned back and relized it was BEN. "Dont worry beautiful, it's just me and that garbage." He said. "Watch what you say. Im Dark Link." He said as he shoved BEN. "Stop it!" Jane said. I admire how Jane is responsible and acts like the older sibling. BEN grabbed my arm.

"Wanna walk aeound the woods?" He asked. Toby grabbed my other arm. "No! Wanna come with me?" He then asked. They kept pulling me. It felt like if my arms are gonna rip off. "Or me?" Jeff asked. No one said anything. "Oh.. I thought we were just saying random things." He awkwardly said. They continued to pull. "Guys stop!" I said. I yanked my arms away and walked out the room. I sat on the couch. Finally free from them. What has gone in their heads?" I sigh and relaxed. Someone poked me. "What is it now Toby?" I asked. "Want waffles?" He asked as he held one. "Or me?" BEN said with his horrible flirts. I rolled my eyes and looked at the waffles. "Homemade." He said.

Tears build up in my eyes. "H-homemade.." I trailed off. He nodded happily. I tried hard trying not to cry. "Made for a friend!" He said. I got up fast and ran to my room. I slammed the door closed and cried. It reminded me of Sue and how I left her in the hospital and she might be worried about me. What if she thinks I'm dead? I can't do this!

Someone wrapped there arms around me. "Shh." They said. I removed my hands and saw BEN. "Its ok." He said. "I just miss her." I said. "Wait you have a girlfriend?!" He asked in shocked as he backed away. I playfully punched him and laughed. "No silly my best friend." I said. He laughed with me. The door opened. Toby stood above us. "Hey." He shyly said. "Oh hi." I tried not to make eye contacts but I couldn't. His eyes where beautiful.

"Im sorry if I did something wrong back there." He said. I slightly smiled. "It's not your fault." I said. He kneeled down and hugged me. "Thank you." He said. I hugged him back.
Toby's p.o.v~

I hugged (F/n). BEN's face was in shocked and anger. He shooked his head and smirked. I knew he was planning something horrible. He bet not. I knew I have small feelings for (F/n). Even if we are not lovers or anything near that I still didn't want to lose her to BEN. Jealousy grew over me. I backes up from (F/n) and faced her. She smiled at me.

"You guys are awesome!" She said. "Wanna see something cool!" BEN said. She nodded. "Excuse us Toby. We are going inside one of my games." He said. They walked pass me. BEN shocked me a bit but he is dumb. I couldn't feel it. The door was opened. I left the room in anger. It was just one push and BEN has taken this to far. But he was doing thins for entertainment. If he breaks her heart then she might not love me at all. She will be broken.

I needed her to love me. I can't give her up to BEN.... BEN. I laughed loudly. "Its too easy!" I yelled. "HAHAHA!!" I laughed. I looked and saw Laughing Jack eating his candy. He took it out of his mouth and looked at it. "Man I've had too much." He said then walked away. "Awkward." Dark Link said. An idea popped up in my head. "Heyyy." I said. He rolled my eyes. "Wait!" I said. "Its you Toby. Come on what is it" He said. "Can you go in BEN's game?" I asked. "No." He answered vastly and then walked away. I'll just ask someone else.

I knocked on Lost Silver's door. The door opened. Before I could even say hey, he shut the door on my face. Great. I walked over to Glichy Red's room. The door opened. "Im bored so whats up?" He asked. I smiled. "BEN. I need you to go to his game and ruin his little date." I said. He smirked. "He's on a date? I do t belive you. Its BEN." He said. "(F/n) doesn't know him well." I said. "Woah. No wonder, sure I'll do that." He said then stuck out his hand. I rolled my eyes and gave him $20 dollars.

"Good luck." I said. "Yeah ok." He said then jumped into the computer.

Red's p.o.v~

I looked around the game. Man this place is a mess, what dis BEN do here? I herd somone talking. It must be (F/n). I hid behind the bushes like if it was yandere chan stalking senpai. Man I play that game to much. I threw a near by rock at her head. "Ouch!" She said. "Are you ok?!" He asked. "Yeah." She said. "Must be a glitch." He looked around.

I threw a water bottle at him. He screames and jumped on (F/n). "BEN's a chicken!" I yelled. "Hey who said that?" BEN asked. (F/n) laughed. BEN's face was pink and got scared. His plan was now ruin. "Umm. I want to go back to the mansion." She said. They went away and so did I. I hopped out the computer and saw Toby.

"What happen?" Toby asked. "Mission accomplished. Oh I took your water bottle from your room." I said. "What the heck Red! That was my last one!" Toby yelled.

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