Run dont look back

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I slammed on the wall feeling blood on my face. I looked at my abusive boyfriend. I dont know why he is doing this to me. Before he was a sweet guy that I met in a coffee shop. He offered to buy me my coffee sense I didn't have much money. Then that day we spent together. We became friends then lovers. But he got abusive over the years.

I fell on the ground crying. He stepped on me, I screamed. "Wont you shut up!" He yelled. "I hate you!" I yelled. He picked me up by my hair. "No you don't." He said then threw me back on the floor. I tried to crawl away. "Look at you! Its pathetic!" He laughed. "Get away!" I yelled.

"You need to get punish!" He said. "For what!" I yelled at him with blood on my mouth. He gave me a rude look. "Dont talk back to me!" He said. Thats when I had enough. "You always do this Jake! Im done with you!" I said. He froze. I got up but grabbed on the table sense I was weak. "What?!" He rudely asked. "You heard me! I don't want to be with you! You always hurt me. I did nothing! I want someone who treats me better. Better then you!" I answered to his confusion.

I slowly walked to the door leaving him speechless. I walked out of the house. On my way back I felt relieved. I was finally free from him. Now I won't get hurt anymore. I looked at my phone and relized the sun was about to set. I rushed home. I closed the door and locked it sense Jake knew where I lived and he might come back. I sat on the floor and put my hand on the dry blood. My phone started to buzz. My best friend Sue has texted me.

I saw you running with blood! Are you ok?!

I texted her back knowing I was fine. But I decided to tell her about Jake and what he has done to me these pass years. It was pretty hard but I knew it was the right thing to do. She kept asking many questions. I answered them all and told her I wanted to just sleep. I turned off my phone and walked to my room. I layed down on my soft bed pulling the cozy blanket over me. My eyes felt heavy but they were also puffy and pink from my crying.

I herd something coming from my window. I turned back and saw a figure for a quick second. I knew I was just tired. But it felt like someone was saying my name. I just closed my eyes and tried to ignore it. But I gasp and shriek. Something grabbed my neck. I turned on the lights but no one was here. I quickly texted Sue to some over. I paced around scared for my life. The doorbell rang and I quickly opened it. I hugged Sue and she hugged me back. "Wait whats wrong?" She asked. I backed away and let her in closing the door.

"I think someones here." I said. "Your parents?" She asked. "There gonna be out till next week." I said. She hugged me again. "Ill stay for how long you want me too." She said. I thanked her and told her that she can stay until my parents get back. "Lets go to bed." She suggest. I nodded and we went to my room. "Its like a sleepover when we were younger. Think of it like that." Sue said. I smiled. "Yeah!" I said. We giggled.

She layed me down. "Sleep. You look tired." She said. She layed down next to me and shut off the lights. "Im here for you." She said. I was so lucky enough to have her as a friend. She is everything to me. My eyes closed and I felt my self dozing off.

I woken up by the fresh smell of waffles coming from the kitchen. I followed the sweet sent and saw Sue cooking. I came behind her and gave her a hug. "Morning bestie." She said. I let go and opened the fridge. "Cooking waffles?" I said. "Mmhmm." She mummbled. I grabbed out the orange juice and poured it into the glass cup. "My favorite." I said. "Just dont eat mine like last time I made them." She giggled. I laughed as I put the cold drink away. I drank the juice. "Wanna go out later?" She asked. I put the drink down. "Sure." I answered.

She placed the waffles on a plate and gave them it. After thanking her I sat down. "So Jake and you are over." She said as she patted a clothes on the blood on my face. "Yeah." I sigh. "It was the right thing to do." She said. I bit into the warm waffle. "Its in the past now." I said. She got up and smiled at me. "Moving on fast? Take a break." She said. I looked over at her. "I guess your right." I said. She went over and served herself waffles and sat infront of me. "Lets forget about him. So where do you want to go?" She asked. I looked at her and we smiled at each other. "Market!" We both said with a laugh.

I came out of my room with my outfit on. Sue on the couch waiting. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded. We walked out the door. I knew she was willing to do anything to get my mind off of Jake. To be honest it was working. We went around looking at cool stuff. After shopping we walked out with bags on our arms laughing. We were planning on getting ice cream.

"(F/N)!" Someone yelled. I turned back and saw Jake. The bags on me dropped. I gasp and held on Sue's aem tight backing away. "Wait! Get back!" He yelled. Sue quickly grabbed my bags. "Lets go." She said as she placed a hand on my shoulder and turned away. I turned back as well and speed walked. He grabbed my hand. "Where are you going?" He asked. I pulled away. "Get back!" I yelled. "Please tell me." He said. I knew he was just trying to act nice in public.

I quickly kneed him "where the sun dont shine" then grabbed Sue's hand. We started running. He somewhat caught up and pinned me down. Sue was punching and kicking Jake and yelling at him to get off. "Fine! If this is what you want!" He yelled. He punched my eye. Then shoved Sue but we were in a parking lot and a car hit her. I screamed. The driver got out of the car. Sue was thankfully ok. Her head was bleeding. "Take her. Away. Make sure she gets that covered up." I weakly said. The lady nodded. Sue got in her car and looked at me. "But-" She stopped as I smiled. "Be safe." I weakly said. The lady closed the door and drove to the near by hospital.

Jake picked me up but this time by my shirt. I slapped him and ran. He chased me. I ran in the forest crying. It got darker and I couldnt see well. I just want Sue to be safe. I thought of her sweet smiled. I fell on the ground because I wasnt focusing. Jake caught up and pinned me. I cried out for help. I watch as the leaves fall with my tears on my face.

"No one can help you!" He yelled. I tried to move but it was no use. "Help!" I yelled. Jake didn't say anything. I felt his grip on my arms let go. He fell on the ground. I screamed when I saw the blood on him. He was dead. I got up fast I tried to run away until something appeared in front of me. A tall faceless man. He raised up his hand and I passed out on the floor.

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