a x i s. {PROLOUGE; part 2}

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-----just a little part of ENTRICU'S {sick?} PERSPECTIVE-----

I shook out my fur, green eyes piercing into the darkness. Lightning flashed behind me, and I caught the sight of my shadow stretching out before me, wriggling over the uneven ground and various sizes of rocks to side of my path. Then the dark vision was gone, and though my step had not faltered, I continued on with new enthusiasm. I was headed to a little cave-like shelter I had visited before... it was a safe place where I could devour the rabbit hanging limp in my jaws without disturbance.


You'd think after living MY five years of life, one would learn to quit presuming. Well, I was hard-headed, and I never really absorbed anything very quickly.

Slipping underneath the stone eave that hung like an open mouth, I took my spot at the back of the little "cave", paws crossed in front of me, breaking the neck of the rodent between my paws. Blood splattered across the stone floor, glistening crimson dots spread violently along the livid ground. A small stream ran down the decline as I quickly dismembered head from body, crunching bones between my molars. Next I bit out its stomach, spitting out tufts of fur.

Gore marred my chin as I went for the legs--

But I paused, cocking my head to the side a little. Small scurrying noises resounded twixt my hypersensitive ears, which swiveled atop the dome of my head dutifully. It seemed to me that this visitor was either a ridicuously petite mountain lion or--


--or one of my own species.

An evil grin spread across my features, blood-stained lips creeping up above my teeth. I stood.

Oh, my good fortune!

-----end entricu's perspective-----

a x i s.


The lass's heart pounded as lightening flashed all around her--and behind the cave, therefore illuminating an advancing figure, its eyes flashing. Axis's inhalation rate sped up as her blue eyes darted around. She refused to run though, knowing full well that most predator's first instict was to chase what was fleeing from their power.

Then she went inanimate as the lightening hesitated, as in on cue, and her eyes immediately snapped into adjustment. What she saw struck hope and fear into her heart at the same time. The fact that her was another of her species was good, in that maybe he wouldn't eat her, and bad for the fact that cannibalism was running rampant in these parts.

Along with a few other things.

A gust of wind tore the other wolf's scent at her, along with the smell of rabbit and blood.

Oh. Well maybe he simply wouldn't be hungry.

But that grin. What was so achingly familiar about that grin? It brought a feeling to her body that was so hot it seemed that ice had slipped beneath her skin.

"Well now, what have we here?" he spoke, his tones low and gravel-like.

When Axis said nothing, he just laughed, circling her slowly. She could hear is claws clicking against the stone, even over the torrents of rain that bit past her fur.

Then the male came up so close she could feel the heat of his breath, easily smell and see the blood, fresh, painted on his jaws and flashing teeth. "What's the matter, hon? Cat got your tongue?"

His menacingly-spoken words snapped the girl out of her frozen state, but they did not help her impaired speech. All she could force out was: "Who?"

But he snorted, as if such a pitiful attempt at speaking on her part was not worthy of his response. "Does that really matter?" he questioned in return, and Axis scittered backwards, fright gripping her. She didn't like that glint in his emerald green eyes.

She now had yet another question on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed it. She didn't need his answer; plus, there was no point in egging him on, however that might come out of her words. What she needed was a way out, and she was backed into a corner. Literally.

"What, am I scaring you?" he mocked, following her.

"What the heck kind of question is that?" Axis foolishly spat back, trying to regain her composure. She had to act brave now. If it wasn't too late to start.

Something sparked behind his eyes. "Liar," he accused, confusing her briefly.

"What am I lying about, then?" she inquired, buying herself time. The inner cogs of her mind were spinning a little more than average--probably a tad more than healthy, to tell the truth--as the lass attempted to find away to get herself out of THIS one.

The male smiled at her words, his tail wagging slowly behind him. "You're scared; I can smell it. No use trying to hide it... I just want to play a little game."

Axis's face was blank. Then she returned the insult. "Liar! Leave me alone!" she exclaimed, a snarl ripping at her features.

"Oooh, fiesty are we?" he said, and the words had hardly rolled over his tongue before he lunged at her. His jaws opened, long talons of claws dragging along her flesh as he rammed his skull into her chest. Blood spurted briefly as she was slammed into the rock wall behind her. A lone yelp tried to escape her throat, but she choked on it.

"Now, that's what I like to hear!" he rumbled, turning away from her. Rain pounded into the ground, and the lightening began, thunder crashing in Axis's ears once more. Her eyelids were pulled down tight against the pain, nose scrunched as she struggled to keep from crying out.

She knew she couldn't stay down though, for in that position she was even more vulnerable than in her normal stance. She forced her legs to move, her muscles to keep her upright; she knew the claw wounds were only flesh-deep, but she had never had a high tolerance for pain.

Upon standing though, coughs wracked her frame, her lungs siezing up as she tried to breathe. Where he had hit her was feeling rather compressed--obviously he was very hard-headed. That probably wouldn't help very much if she had to try to connive or bargain her way out of the situation. But although she was frightened, she made herself stand still as she gasped and hacked. Finally she smartened up, and began to hold what small amount of oxygen she could catch, and then exhale it quickly. It helped a little, but it still felt as if something extremely heavy was pressing down upon her.

Now, where was that bastard? Keeping her rear to the rock wall, she moved along to the downslope she had seen earlier from her perch, the one that looked like it would've been so much easier to clamber up than the excessively rock path she had taken earlier.

Rocks skittered down from above.



The first part of Entricu's perspective will be put up when I get home later and can get it off of my laptop. Please excuse any spelling errors... I double-checked it, but I absolutely hate this keyboard! :P Anyhoo, sorry to keep you guys waiting. I won't wait so long [although it was only a week] to post the next part... In which I will introduce Red! =D Heh, she is one of my favorite characters... let bi-polar be your descriptive word of choice. ;] Sorry about the cliffhangers, but they are fun, no? Constructive critism much appreciated.


a x i s. {your adorable little wolfie just got... screwed?!}Where stories live. Discover now