Part 9 : Magnificent

Start from the beginning

You think of how he planned, allowing the colour to be white so, not setting your future in what the crystal colour may become, even if it isn't red, he wanted it to be excellent.

"Kylo, it is absolutely perfect. I love it. Thank you." You stare into his eyes as you say this, raising your eyebrows and showing him that you are not hiding anything, you have never been so grateful for a gift, you have never received one that you have adored so much.

You still feel hesitant to touch him, after the outburst a few days ago, but you don't have to worry long. Kylo steps forwards and wraps his arms around you.

"Thank you." He whispers in your ear.

You bring back your face and look at him grinning.

"Why would you thank me?" You ask him, confused but enjoying the game.

"Because." He says simply and pulls you back to him.

You still haven't really figured out what is happening between you and Kylo. Your heart swells every time you see him, he can constantly bring a smile to your face, and when he talks to you it's like you have a bubble of happiness in your chest, wanting to escape and spread all over the room.


Kylo was Kylo Ren. He was the Darkside. It was dangerous to feel this around him. You had no idea about what he was thinking when he saw you. Perhaps you were just another thing to use. Another game piece, or perhaps you were friends.


You push into Kylo's mind, this time he doesn't resist you, but lets you in. You don't try to find anything however, you just ask one question.

"What are we?" You simply state pushing your head back into his chest, almost afraid of the answer.

"You are Y/N, I am Kylo, and I like you." He replies, after a considerable time. You look up at him again, the bubble of happiness is threatening to burst even more than usual, you give him this feeling of happiness, unable to know if you could express how you feel with actions.

Kylo fixes this apprehensiveness, however, leaning his head down he puts a finger under your chin, angling it to him, and then he closes his eyes and brings his lips to yours. Pressing so lightly it's almost not there, you respond by pressing your lips back onto his. You wrap your arms even more tightly around him. You feel him laugh against your lips and you smile, he presses his mouth more firmly to your grin, until you are both smiling and laughing and only breaking apart for more air.

You have never seen Kylo so happy, as you sit with him on a bunk, his head on your legs, gazing up at you as you stroke his hair across his forehead. As you sit there tangled together, it's easy to forget the outside world. The ship, the war, Snoke, Hux. Everybody.

Kylo Ren wasn't dangerous, he was yours.

"We'll be at Ilum soon." Kylo mumbles, lowering his eyes, but the flushed look on his cheeks remains.

"Good." You reply, leaning down to peck his lips, rejuvenating his content smile.

"Why are you so happy?" He asks, grabbing the back of your neck and bringing your lips to his again before letting you up, his eyes serious.

"How can I not be?" You say, searching his eyes, but you know that there is more that he wants to know.

"How is this going to work?" He says this time, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from his face. You know his mind is elsewhere

"Shh stop thinking and kiss me. We can work this out." Kylo brings your face to his again, but his eyes are troubled.

A loud knock comes at the door, startling the both of you, Kylo sits up quickly and straightens his clothing, while you brush down your hair but stay on the bed.

"Commander Ren, Sir." The trooper outside the door salutes, Kylo stays blank.

You assume he must be the pilot, but until now you hadn't seen him yet.

"I am here to inform you we will begin our descent into Ilum." The trooper salutes again, although you can't see through his helmet where his eyes are, you feel as if they are looking past Kylo onto you.

"Right." Kylo replies, the trooper turns and leaves, unphased by Kylo's behaviour.

When the door is once again shut, Kylo turns to you.

"Looks like the next adventure arrives." Kylo smiles at you, although there is still anxiety in his gaze, he looks genuinely excited.

You smile back.

"I'll get dressed." You say, expecting Kylo to leave.

"Okay." Kylo's smile is playful, he doesn't look like he intends to leave, instead, you watch him as he leans back onto the wall with his eyes on you. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and raises his eyebrows at you, daring you to do it.

You feel your face redden but you don't break your stare, locked on his eyes. In a play to be seductive, you begin to pick up your clothes, taking off your jacket without looking away once from Kylo.

Then as quickly as you can you break into a sprint, jumping over the table in the way and sliding to the door, opening it with the Force while you are in the air, then hitting the ground and making it to your door and locking the entrance to the room as you hear Kylo's laughter echoing after you, you grin yourself.

"Nice try though!" You shout through the door, laughing as you say the words.

"It was worth a shot!" Kylo shouts back.

You continue to chuckle as you undress in peace.

The next adventure arrives. You think with a grin, shaking your head to yourself.

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