.:Fatherly Love:.

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.:Fatherly Love:.

Chapter 4: Fatherly Love.


"You are lying." I told Kori on the phone as I laid in my bed staring ovet at the wall. I couldnt sleep. It was 4 in the morning and I couldnt sleep. Hell, maybe it was because my first game is in 6 hours....who am I kidding it is definitely because of that. I have been practicing a little over a week but to say I am ready will be lying to myself. So I called Kori to reassure me and she tells me that her mom broke some news to her.

"He must have showed up when we was at the lake house...he told her that he was going to go back to the city and get some things in order and he is moving in. Benji, I am literally shaking." She said asher voice cracked. I pursed my lips and put things into prespective. Here I am scared of my first baseball game and she just got a bomb dropped into her life. Her father is her worst nightmare. He is much more than an abuser..he is like a obsessive guy that wont go away and he lives under her roof. He had finally let them move away from the city and they came to Napa...but with this whole investigation going he feels he is needed.

"Can I move in? Ill even cut the grass...okay im lying about the grass." She confessed and we both chuckled. I sat up and exhaled, "Kori...dont let him win the last time you seen your Dad...you was prey let him meet the predator you are today. You aint the same shy little girl. You got this." I told her and she replied, "Thanks, Fag.Love you and get some rest. You have a BIG day tomorrow."

"Your welcome, whore." I told her before hanging up and her mentioning the game reminded me that the practice jersey's was in the dryer...I will fold them up...hell I have nothing better to do. I stood up and pondered should I put on pants and a shirt. I was in my green briefs. I shrugged my shoulders and opened the door. I rushed downstairs and went into the Laundry Room.

"GINA, turn on Laundry Room Lights." I stated as they came on. I walked over and grabbed the basket and opened the dryer. I dug inside and went to grabbing all the pants, jerseys, and jockstraps. I placed them all in the basket as I heard Travis talking down the hall. It scared me.

"GINA, turn on the kitchen lights."

Gine replied, "Sorry, voice not registered. To register voice, please contact admins." I walked ot carrying the basket and saw his dark self searching the wall for the lights. The moon light was shining thru and was cascading all down his body. He wore no shirt, just pajama pants...he have pajama pants? I laughed and he jumped.

"GINA, turn on kitchen lights." The lights came on and I slid the basket on the counter.

"Cant sleep either, huh?" I asked him and he laughed, "Nah, my mom called and told me that they are behind schedule a few weeks..." He seemed so down and before he returned the question, "You cant sleep?"

"Nope. The game tomorrow have me kind of rattled." I told him. He burst into laughter as he responded, "We are playing the Palm Beach Pelicans. They are worst team in the semi-finals. We beat them and then we move up a slot. Now that game will be against the Titan of Tally...they are beast. But we got a few weeks to whip you into a star player..or make you atleast look like one." I gave him a closed lip smile and he stated, "And whats up with GINA?"

"You arent registered. We can do that right now, actually since you will be here more than you anticipated." I told him before walking around the countertop and pressing the red button. A specific place in the counter slid open and out came a keypad. I pressed all the needed buttons and then told him to place his hand on it.

"It will be a little nic—."

"FUCK!" He snapped as he waved his hand and put the bloody index finger in his mouth.

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