Chapter Three: Still Sane

Start from the beginning

I glanced over at my best friend's face. Her expression was blank, with some sort of confusion mixed in. As her brows furrowed, I began to worry. What was going on in her mind? Was she mad that I kept this all a secret from her? I regretted hiding my crush from her, but now that I had let it all out, it felt amazing. Even if she was mad at me right now, at least I could talk out my feelings with her later. Bree was great at giving advice and it made me wonder why I had kept it a secret from her this whole time. Now, I was just afraid how she was gonna accept it.

"Seriously, Kaylee? Are you freaking kidding me?!" she practically shouted in my ear.

I winced from her shrill voice and immediately felt bad. "Look, I can expl-"

"Explain what? This is great news OH MY GODDDDD!!!" she interrupted.

"What? It is? You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? Sure, I wish you told me earlier so I could've had your back, but holy freaking crap this is great news!!"

"Umm...can you elaborate?" I asked, confused and amused at her excitement.

"Okay, so call it a gut feeling, but for the longest time, I thought Dylan liked you!"

Wait. What. What was my best friend saying to me?

"I started seeing it towards the end of last year and I was afraid it would go away since you guys wouldn't see each other all summer, but it sure as hell didn't! Just seeing you two today, wow, I knew that the sparks were still there. Kay, you HAVE to tell him you like him!!!"

"Wait, what?! No way I'm telling him!!" I said stubbornly.

"Why not?? I can see it - you two really love each other! Who gives a damn about the guys making the first move? Take a chance Kaylee! You never know when it just might count."

Was my best friend crazy? Sure, I had contemplated and imagined telling him how I felt just about a hundred times, but that didn't mean I should do it! I wasn't going to screw up a lifelong friendship just for a possible high school boyfriend. It just wasn't worth it.

"I really don't think that's a good idea, Bree. I'm not gonna risk our friendship just because of some hunch."

"Kaylee, just trust me. I've been friends with both of you for a while now, and from a completely objective point of view, I can still see that you two really like each other. Besides, Dylan's not the kind of guy to get cold feet just because he finds out a girl likes him. You know him, he probably gets that a lot. But this is even more special, because it's from his childhood best friend. You can do this Kay, I know it will work out. You never take risks! So just this one time, take a chance on romance, and maybe romance will give you a chance."

I sighed audibly. Damn, she could be so persuasive sometimes. Maybe it was time for me to take some chances in my life. I was scared out of my wits at the thought of telling Dylan how I felt, but Bree was right. Dylan was always a chill guy and he never treated someone differently after they told him they liked him.

"Okay, maybe I'll give it a chance Bree. But before you start freaking out, it's all on you if this goes south," I said jokingly.

"I'm cool with that! But gahhhh I'm so excited for you! This is going to be awesome, I just know it." she shrieked.

"Wait, when am I even supposed to tell him? I mean, it's kind of a big bomb to drop on him out of nowhere."

"Hmm...that's true. Let's see..oh! I got it! You can tell him today or tomorrow, before the big kickback of the school year. That way, when things work out, you guys can go together!"

So it was settled. I'd tell Dylan I have feelings for him later on today, a few days prior to our grade's huge annual kickback at the lake house. I was freaking out so much and probably blowing things out of proportion, but I cared about our friendship so much that I was afraid to screw everything up over some dumb schoolgirl crush. However, it was time to take some risks and I dialed Dylan's number.

Ring, ring.

"Hey, what's up Kaylee?" he answered.

"Umm..nothing much. Do you think we could meet up later at the old tree house? I have something I need to tell you." I blurted out nervously.

"Uh sure haha. Are you alright? You sound kind of spooked. Been dreaming about me again?" he teased.

I could sense him winking with those stunning baby blues through the phone. My heart rate already started quickening at the thought of him. "Hah, keep hoping for that. I'll talk to you soon. Bye, Dylan." I rushed as I hung up the phone.

Now I had done it. This was really happening.

My nerves got to me so much that I realized I was basically trembling. I swear if I could've backed out right then and there, I would've, but I had already called him up and promised Bree. The only thing was, if I was this terrified before even facing him, how would I be still sane on the day I finally told him my feelings?


Hi guys, how'd you like this chapter? It definitely wasn't my favorite, but the information needed to be conveyed. I'd say this was sort of like a filler chapter. But don't worry, tons of things will be happening between Kaylee and Dylan soon!

What do you guys think of Bree?
How do you guys feel about Dylan and Kaylee's relationship right now?
Do you guys think Bree is right about Dylan?

If you enjoyed reading, don't forget to vote and stay tuned for the rest of the chapters to come! :)

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