"Hello?" It was Cloud

"Hello, Cloud. Look I just called to tell you that... Jackson and I are moving. Far away. 3 hours away... maybe tomorrow or today I don't know. and I don't think I can take this phone. Well maybe I can but I don't know. I'll call or text you tomorrow morning as proof that I took the phone and everything alright... I'm sorry..." Layla said softly. Jackson would surely kill her if he caught her with a phone but she would still try to take it to have some sort of communication with Cloud. Also with her guess, they were probably moving out today or tomorrow. Silence came on the other line then a deep sigh. Nothing else was said and Layla started to worry until finally, she heard him let out an angry groan.

"You know what, whatever. Have fun. Make sure he doesn't kill you," came Cloud's voice then nothing. She stood frozen with the phone still against her ear then she slowly dropped it but held it in her hand. She took a couple of deep breaths then turned and left the bathroom. She gasped and backed up when she suddenly saw Jackson in front of her. Her eyes slowly dragged up from his feet to look him in the face. He shook his head and gave her a disappointed look, an evil smirk tugging at the corner of his lips though.

"Layla, how dumb did you think I was? Did you really think I didn't know about your phone? And you had to tell someone about us moving, didn't you? Oh, Layla. You just really pissed me off," He said as he grabbed her, yanking her away as she shrieked in fear.


Cloud woke up that morning normally and spent his morning sending his daughter to school. After that, he had gone straight to work. He was an executive at a large clothing company that was very popular and expensive, to say the least. As Cloud walked into the building, he was greeted by the secretary as she smiled at him.

"Hello, Cloud! Good morning to you!" She said cheerfully and Cloud laughed softly.

"Hello, Kayla is your father in?" he asked and her smile dropped slightly.

"Yeah he's in but he's kinda upset. The shipment got busted last night," she said in a hushed voice and it caused CLoud to sigh. Great. He walked past her and to the elevator, getting in. He pressed to go to the top floor and waited anxiously as the elevator went up. As soon as the doors opened he had to duck to avoid getting hit with a binder. A yell came from his mouth and he stood back up, jumping out of the elevator as a young man ran in, frightened. Cloud watched the man then turned to hear yelling coming from his boss' open office doors. As the elevator doors closed, the yelling stopped. Cloud walked to his boss' office and knocked softly. A gruff voice called him in and he took a hesitant step in.

"Hello Zeek. I'm gonna guess you're pissed about the shipment yesterday?" Cloud asked as he walked in the office. He instantly regretted the question when he saw how many pairs of eyes were on him. He swallowed nervously and chuckled. 

Zeek was sitting at his desk with a scowl on his face although if he could, he'd be breathing fire or smoke through his nostrils. On one side of him was his brother Zack who had a kinder look on his face. On the other side, was Demon trying to calm down Zeek. Zeek's vibrant blue eyes burned through the green hair that fell over his red face from all the yelling, his hands clenched on his desk. The first thing that terrified Cloud about Zeek would have to be the fact that Zeek had 2 prosthetics. His right arm and his right leg were both metal and connected to his actual veins and nerves thanks to his daughter, Rose who was Kayla's twin. Zack's black eyes were softer than his older brothers so Cloud didn't fear him as much. They did both own the company and were his boss' though. Demon, on the other hand, was an older man compared to Zeek and Zack. Nobody knew exactly how old considering he kept his life secret from everyone at the office. Demon had odd red eyes and white hair that reached to his shoulders. The only thing Cloud found weird about him was that he only wore white and red. Right now he wore white jeans, a white shirt that had a red dragon on it and a red bomber jacket. He was also an excellent hitman. The best any of them knew. He knew everything about being guns since he was from the army and apparently used to study them a lot. Cloud had seen him hit a man from 50 km away through a small window. He usually stayed silent like at the moment.

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